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  1. F

    Any Ideas What This Is?

    mark7616: Some kind of Compressiceps. I'd love to have one! F1
  2. F

    Favourite Books

    "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving "Cosmos" By Carl Sagan F1
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    Do Not Open

    Loaches are where it's at! F1
  4. F

    Convicts breeding again

    I gave the male to my LFS and kept the female and two of her daughters (one white & one regular). They still lay eggs every two weeks even though there is not a male to fertilize them. F1
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    Chinese alge eater fish

    Well, I know that even a large CAE won't stand up to breeding convicts. F1
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    Female Convicts

    I have three females, mother and her two daughters, in a 37 gal. Maybe they get along so well becdause they are family. F1
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    Rummy nose tetras

    I have three rummy noses in a 25 gal. Every morning when I turn on the tank light all nose color is gone. Within a few minutes, the noses are bright red again. F1
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    Flying Fox?

    I have a flying fox in a 25 gal. He's a lovely fish. Takes a run at a tetra now and then but he's all bluff. F1
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    Barbs as Ditherfish

    Long finned barbs (Puntius arulius) seem to work very well for me. Constantly active and very peaceful. They do get a little larger than most fish considered as dither fish I think. F1
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    Sick-Lids F1
  11. F

    Do You Use Carbon in Your Filter?

    I use two foam inserts (rather than 1 foam and 1 carbon) and an ammonia remover insert. The guru at my lfs gave me the tip about not needing carbon right at the beginning of my fishkeeping experience. He told me that a healthy bacterial colony will do the same job and it gets expensive...
  12. F

    Anyone else own a motorcycle?

    I bought the Maxim last summer after not owning a bike for 18 years. Had it for a week and half, washed it and it didn't run again until this week. Yes, bring on the nice weather!! F1
  13. F

    Anyone else own a motorcycle?

    Here's mine. 1985 Yamaha XJ750 Maxim X
  14. F

    Various new pics

    She was an adoption. A friends daughter had her in a 10 gal tank and she was moving away to university and asked if I'd take her. She's healthy looking in every way except for her "bentedness". She swims kind of funny too. F1
  15. F

    Various new pics

    There are two tanks: a 37 gal and a 25 gal. F1
  16. F

    Various new pics

    Long finned Barbs Orange finned loaches Flying fox Zebra danios Female dwarf gourami Black tetra Poor bent pleco Pleco in other tank Firemouth Orange finned loaches and long finned barbs Mama Mama again Daughter Mama and her two daughters F1
  17. F

    Clown Loaches

    I've only ever seen clown loaches here in New Brunswick Canada for $15.00 each. F1
  18. F

    What Fish

    Orange finned loaches (botia modesta) F1
  19. F

    favourite fish

    Botia Modesta: Orange finned or red tailed loach F1
  20. F

    Adding Air/Cleaning Tubing

    Yeah, good advice. Going to LFS today. F1
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    Adding Air/Cleaning Tubing

    Hey Folks: I have a 37 gal tall tank running an AC 300 filter. In that tank is the big bent pleco I adopted. I've noticed in the past that it rises to the top alot to gulp air, perhaps two or three times during the course of the evening. The past few water changes I've left the water a...
  22. F

    anyone know

    One of the ways I've been able to tell the difference between SAE's and CAE's (besides the stripe on the side (is there s correct term for this?)) is that the SAE has a slightly stubbier "nose". F1
  23. F

    anyone know

    Siamese Algae Eater. A less aggressive and harder to find alternative to the CAE (Chinese algae Eater). F1
  24. F

    I learned a good lesson

    I had two separate thoughts: 1) That I had too much gravel in one of my tanks so I decided that I would scoop out a few cup fulls immediately before the water change for the next few changes. 2) I wondered why so many little bubbles in the tank. All was well, no deaths, nothing to worry...
  25. F

    Thinking about using peat in my filter

    I did it in the first place because I have well water with a pH near 8. I wanted to lower it. It didn't really lower it very much because I believe the water is quite hard but it did give the water a lovely golden color. I stopped for a copule of reasons: 1. A lot of the advice about pH...
  26. F

    55g PICS-Aggressive tank!

    Pompous, self-righteous and rude are a few terms that come to mind when reading the responses to this initial post. I have learned a lot from this forum and consider it my best source for information and help, however, I'm starting to think "The Friendliest Forum On The Net" may no longer...
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    I have long finned barbs (Puntius arulius) that work well as a larger dither fish. F1
  28. F

    Thinking about using peat in my filter

    I used to use peat pellets in one of my tanks. I cut off the toe section of a pair of my wife's pantyhose, filled it with peat pellets, tied it off and added it as media to my filter. F1
  29. F

    Where is everyone from?

    East coast of Canada; Waterville, New Brunswick
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    I have a firemouth in a 25 gal with neons, rummy noses, black tetras, zebra danios, cherry barb, gouramis, flying fox, etc. He's fine and so are his tankmates. F1
  31. F

    New Pics

    25 gal 37 gal Long finned barb, convict, orange finned loach, cae Much the same as above with flash More of the Long finned barb, convict, orange finned loach, cae Check out the difference in size between the cae and just a portion of the tail of the plec Clown loach and flying...
  32. F

    New Fish

    I would highly recommend both orange finned loaches (botia modesta) and long finned barbs (Puntius arulius). They seem to be hardy and active. F1
  33. F

    New Fish

    I went to the lfs to get two more orange finned loaches (botia modesta) and happened upon long finned barbs (Puntius arulius). I had never seen them before. Got two. Torpedo shaped body like the cherry barb but far larger with similar markings as a tiger barb. They seem well, active and with...
  34. F

    Ever heard of this?

    Can a female convict lay eggs, and tend them with the help of one of her daughters, without the presence of a male to then fertilize them? F1
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    My surviving O.B. "Kyle"

    How big is he? F1
  36. F

    Another Stocking Suggestion Request

    Terrific suggestions sylvia! Except for the male/female combination. I'm through breeding. While the whole family enjoyed the breeding and resulting convict fry, it's too much bother to keep trying to get rid of fry. Larger gouramis, rosy barbs, more tiger barbs. I'm also contemplating...
  37. F

    Another Stocking Suggestion Request

    It's rather course gravel. This tank is quite tall and I have a lot of room at the top. I'm sort of looking for an upper level dweller that can stand up for itself. F1
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    Another Stocking Suggestion Request

    Not sure why this was moved to beginner questions. F1
  39. F

    Another Stocking Suggestion Request

    I had 9 tiger barbs before the convicts started breeding. That's also why I only have three female convicts left. I took all babies and the breeding male to the lfs. The orange fin loaches (botia modesta) are considerably more aggressive than the clown loaches in my other tank. A lot of the...
  40. F

    Another Stocking Suggestion Request

    I now have the following in my 37 gal: 1 ex large pleco 1 small chinese algae eater 3 female convicts 2 tiger barbs 2 orange fin loaches I'm looking for further stocking suggestions. F1