Adding Air/Cleaning Tubing

F 1

Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
Hey Folks:

I have a 37 gal tall tank running an AC 300 filter.

In that tank is the big bent pleco I adopted. I've noticed in the past that it rises to the top alot to gulp air, perhaps two or three times during the course of the evening.

The past few water changes I've left the water a little lower to get more surface disturbance and thus more oxygen. I believe I've noticed that it seems to go for the gulp less now.

I remembered when I was the recipient of the 25 gal fully stocked, an air pump came with it. I stored it away and dug it out today. The tubing is a bit dirty with water deposits and the like.

I'd like to wash it safely. I was thinking about soaking it in a weak vinegar solution for a time and rinsing it thouroughly. Any thoughts?

Hi F 1 :)

It's probably better and certainly easier, to get new airlines rather than trying to clean them.

My lfs sells it for $.15 per foot, and other stores sell it precut, also for an inexpensive price.

With time and use it gets brittle as well as dirty and it's sometimes best to just buy new. :D

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