Chinese alge eater fish

they can and will attack any fish in their way.
they grow to be very big.
extremely aggresive,i've heard cases of CAE's sucking out the scales of another fish.
ive had an experience with one latching on to another fish and succking the coat off the fish and exposing under the scales
the aggressiveness problem is only apparent if the CAE is the largest fish in the tank.
I have a 6"one (golden) with two 8+" yoyo loaches and two 6" clown loaches. he is no where near as aggressive as he was when he was in my danio tank.
the aggressiveness problem is only apparent if the CAE is the largest fish in the tank.
not entierly true,it may increase it's aggresiveness but it's not the cause.
i used to have 1 which was the smallest fish in the tank(not including fry)and it was still very aggressive even to the biggest fish in the tank(BGK)
as I said that is IME (in my experiance)

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