favourite fish

For freshwater:

Balas have always been top on my list. But recently I have been digging my blue lobster.

Balas are the silver sharks in the background.

Never had salt so no favorites there.
My favorite fish is an unlikely candidate; my 6 year old Albino Cory who, despite my hard water, has bred many times and actually has a surveing 3 year old daughter who has recently spawned as well. Normally the eggs are attacked by fungus or the Gourami pecks the eggs off the glass.

If I had a proper tank I would like an Angel fish and would consider it my favorite individual fish, preferably gold.

It is hard to pick a favorite out of a school of Rasboras but I think a big group of those are magnificent.
Panda corys just bought some and they are so adorable and cute.
My oscar :wub:
But shhh, don't tell the others -_-
My favourite fish is my electric catfish Mr Hankey who is the only fish ive ever named and is by far the most personable and interactive fish ive ever kept. He actually gets visably excited to see me when i approach the tank and will gently take food from my fingers a few inches out of the water, hes more like a aquatic puppy than a fish.


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