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  1. J

    Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy

    Any ideas what this could be. Have noticed a little thicker patch in the fin since i got her but thought it was part of her markings. Seems not so, now.
  2. J

    Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy

    Amm 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10, pH 7.6. Cant understand why fish becoming ill. Doing weekly water changes. Feeding flakes and shelled peas, some freezedried bloodworm. Current ill fish are 1 guppt with ulcer, 1 guppy with pop eye, dwarf gourami seems to be developing lump in her fin and just...
  3. J

    Treatment For Popeye & Dropsy

    I think one of my guppies has popeye. one eye is sticking right out. she also looks like she is full of fluid. I have reomoved her from the main tank as the males seemed to be hassling her. She is now in hos tank with another guppy with ulcer with a divider between them. Was already...
  4. J

    Fry Not Well

    powdered fry food, tiny crumbs of flakes, bits of shlled peas. 4 times a day.
  5. J

    Fry With Clamped Fins

    With the fry, i noticed 1st that their tails were not fanned out anymore. theyre now all tight and pointed looking.
  6. J

    Fry With Clamped Fins

    Can fry survive that with treatment?
  7. J

    Fry Not Well

    hi i posted this thread in emergencies but no reply yet. maybe someone here could help? guppy fry have clamped fins, 4 wks old. water stats were amm o, nitrite 0, ph 7.6, nitrate 20, nitrate now 10 as ive moved the fry.
  8. J

    Fry With Clamped Fins

    Some of my guppy fry have clamped fins and they appear sort of fuzzy along the top of the body. They were in a 25l tank on their own. I tested the water amm 0, nitrite 0, pH 7.6, nitrate 20. As I have a fish with an ulcer I moved the fry out so i could isolate the sick fish. They are now in...
  9. J

    Lump On Fish

    *bumped* Can anyone advise me? I need to treat a fish with an ulcer. Whats the best course of action out of these?
  10. J

    Lump On Fish

    hope this pic is ok My Webpage
  11. J

    Lump On Fish

    These are my choices: Put the sick fish in small tank with 15 guppy fry and maybe lose some fry. or put sick fish in small tank & fry into breeding tank or net in main tank or leave sick fish in main tank & TREAT WHOLE TANK or do i need to do this anyway? What do you think?
  12. J

    Lump On Fish

    I have just noticed one of my guppies has a lump sticking out of his side, pinky red and a bit white on the outside. have tested water and all readings are ok. introduced dwarf gourami about a week ago but she's not showing signs of anything. was reading this thread thread does this mean...
  13. J

    Varying Food For Fry

    Im just feeding my guppy fry powder fry food at the mo. Can anyone give me any ideas on what else is suitable and good for fry?
  14. J

    Finding Homes For Fry

    I now have 3 batches of guppy fry. I will keep a few but when theyre bigger I'll need to find them new homes. I was wondering how easy it is to find lfs that will take them, and how old do they usually need to be for lfs to take them? One other question, when do they begin to show colours?
  15. J

    Would Anybody Mind If I Posted A Pic Of Dead Fish

    Dont know if this pic is going to be any better, im not a whizz with digital photography. oh dear that was going a bit over the top with the enlarging...sorry! will try again. Ive no idea how this will come out so apologies in advance. no i think i will give up now. She looks quite...
  16. J

    Would Anybody Mind If I Posted A Pic Of Dead Fish

    Ammonia,nitrite 0, pH 7.4, Nitrate 40. This is pic of fish.
  17. J

    Would Anybody Mind If I Posted A Pic Of Dead Fish

    Found her dead when i came in. I just want to know what was wrong with her.
  18. J

    Would Anybody Mind If I Posted A Pic Of Dead Fish

    The blood appears to be on top of skin as its very bright red but cant be sure. Cant see any worms, its right at the start of fin, not really sure. The other female seemed to chase her a lot so maybe she knocked herself on a rock. One of them is a bit jagged so ive removed it now in case.
  19. J

    Would Anybody Mind If I Posted A Pic Of Dead Fish

    One of my 2 female dwarf gouramis suddenly aquired a bloody patch near anus last night. She died today. Could be an injury off a rock, but wondered if it could be anything else. She was fine one day then bloody patch the next.
  20. J

    Crack In Tank!

    If Id known that I wouldve got a £5 tank straight away. Thanks. Never thought of storage bins.:huh: Can anyone tell me how long Id need to leave the fish out of the tank if I did try fixing it? How long does silicon take to dry?
  21. J

    Crack In Tank!

    Its cracking from top to bottom. The 2 fish are dwarf gouramis. Its a 25litre tank and its down to about 3/4 full because of leak. Do lfs usually sell silicone?
  22. J

    Crack In Tank!

    I have a crack in my quarantine tank which currently has 2 fish I dont want to put in main tank yet. The crack is slowly ( a tiny bit each day) spreading diagonally downwards and water is leaking out. Is there something you can get to mend the glass and if so can you do it with fish in tank.
  23. J

    Suspected Hith

    3rd time lucky pic in this thread i think just about shows the tiny black dots.dwarfgourami
  24. J

    What Could These Tiny Black Spots Be?

    Thanks Wilder, will continue with the vitamin soaked food & keep an eye on them.
  25. J

    What Could These Tiny Black Spots Be?

    Apart from black dots, seems absolutely fine. He did have a sort of dark black gash near his eye about 1/2cm long when i got him but thats just about healed. The females have no black dots just sort of pin prick marks in the same area but very difficult to see. Maybe its normal - my 1st...
  26. J

    What Could These Tiny Black Spots Be?

    *BUMP* New pic think its worked. Black dots can be seen in a sort of arc near the eye.
  27. J

    What Could These Tiny Black Spots Be?

    Oh :crazy: better go and do some digital photography course. Will update later when Im a bit more learned. :X OK 3rd time lucky... My Webpage
  28. J

    What Could These Tiny Black Spots Be?

    Hi 1st time ive tried putting a pic on so sorry if its rubbish (or completely doesnt work, more likely). This is the dwarf gourami which i thought might have HITH a week or so ago. The tiny black dots are around his head area. The 2 females I have, have some dots but theyre much lighter in...
  29. J

    Posting Pics

    Thanks, thought i was being thick. I'll give that a go. Cheers :thumbs:
  30. J

    Posting Pics

    Hi, sorry ive read the pinned topic on how to... but still cant. I cant see the browse box when i go to post or reply. Any suggestions?
  31. J

    Bullying Male

    Thanks for the info. I have got 3 new females who are in quarantine at the mo.
  32. J

    Suspected Hith

    I bought 3 dwarf gouramies 5 days ago. 2 females, 1 male in quarantine tank. The male has a dark vertical sort of gash near his eye about 1/2cm. he also has a few little pencil prick like holes around his head. Have been reading up on hith, but these holes arent whitish, nothing oozing out of...
  33. J

    Bullying Male

    UPDATE Well it was worth a try. Left him for a week in q tank then I tried putting him in the main tank with the males and females as the girls had given birth by then. He had a little go at the other males but was more interested in the females. Maybe they were just sorting out the pecking...
  34. J

    Problems With New Dwarf Gouramis

    The q tank is 25l. There are rocks and plants in there but no caves. I have plant cover at the top too. Im pretty sure he lost his long fin before I got him. Is it likely he's been fighting and will it grow back? edit: your post beat me to it, Im gald his fin will grow again. Will...
  35. J

    Problems With New Dwarf Gouramis

    Have been waitin ages to get some dwarf gouramis. I was patient and when I saw some but didnt like the way the lfs's looked after the fish I held off. Anyway eventually I bought 3 yesterday, 2 female and 1 male pale blue. Brought them home and put in quarantine with light off. Left them in...
  36. J

    Bullying Male

    oh, thats not good. Looking for new home tomorow then. Thanks!
  37. J

    Bullying Male

    Was planning on sorting ratio out when new fish introduced to main tank. But now bullying problem. Any chance he'd be more friendly? Wouldn't he think "Aw, this is a ncie place, Ive never been here before, Id better be nice to my new neighbours" ;)
  38. J

    Bullying Male

    Any chacn
  39. J

    Bullying Male

    In the main tank 2 new males and 3 females (did have more females but they died). 1 guppy male in q.tank for now. The females werent in the main tank when he was bullying themthough.