Bullying Male


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Does anybody know if this would work...

Only male guppy in tank for ages, now has new guppy friends, only he's not being very friendly. He's attacking the 2 new males. Would putting the bully in another tank for a bit and replacing him in main tank settle his aggressiveness?

If it is worth a try, how long would he need to be 'away from home' for?
Is he nipping there fins there sorting the pecking order out, it might settle down, fingers crossed.
Is he nipping there fins there sorting the pecking order out, it might settle down, fingers crossed.

He seems to be nipping everywhere. He follows them constantly. They had a stressful 2 weeks in hospital tank already. Dont think they will last long if he keeps attacking them.
Right, i think you will have to rehome the two new guppys, or rehome him, sorry.
Right, i think you will have to rehome the two new guppys, or rehome him, sorry.

Right, Ive taken him out for now and put him in quarantine tank till I can find homes for 2 new ones. Do you think theres any point trying to put him back in after a few days? was hoping he'd think he was in a new place and would be more friendly???
I've tryed that with platys and it didn't make the slightest bit of difference, soon as they hit the tank back to there normal bullying ways, sorry.
Do you have any females in the tank with him?

In the main tank 2 new males and 3 females (did have more females but they died). 1 guppy male in q.tank for now. The females werent in the main tank when he was bullying themthough.
Well the ratio should be 1 male for every 3 females. So get about 9 more females so you can follow the ratio.
Then you will be overun with fry. :lol:
There is no harm in trying, but i wouldn't get your hopes up to much, good luck.
Was planning on sorting ratio out when new fish introduced to main tank. But now bullying problem.

Do you think theres any point trying to put him back in after a few days?

Any chance he'd be more friendly? Wouldn't he think "Aw, this is a ncie place, Ive never been here before, Id better be nice to my new neighbours" ;)
Nope doesn't work. I used to have 2 blue gourmies in my long 20g to cycle it and the bigger one was attacking the smaller one so I took it out for a week into another tank and then put him back in the long 20g and he started attacking the smaller one again so I thought he needed more fish to spread aggression so I added 2 long finned black tetras then he bullied the tetras and the other gourmie then the smaller gourmie died from stress and the bully died from ick.
oh, thats not good.

Looking for new home tomorow then.


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