Fry With Clamped Fins


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Some of my guppy fry have clamped fins and they appear sort of fuzzy along the top of the body.

They were in a 25l tank on their own. I tested the water amm 0, nitrite 0, pH 7.6, nitrate 20.

As I have a fish with an ulcer I moved the fry out so i could isolate the sick fish. They are now in another tank with same water stats but nitrate 10.

Theyve been in there 2 days now and fins still clamped.

Should I add some general tonic? I cant see any other ymptons of a disease.

the fry are about 4 weeks old.
Fry can be tough so i wouldn't write them off yet, they will die anyway if you don't treat as columnaris is nasty. Good luck.

You will need half a dose of finrot med by interpet, plus half a dose of anti internal bacteria med by interpet, plus you will have to increase aeration, turn temp down 2 degrees.
Just wondered - what does a 'clamped fin' look like?...
When the dorsal fin lays down on the body, instead of being up right.
When the dorsal fin lays down on the body, instead of being up right.

With the fry, i noticed 1st that their tails were not fanned out anymore. theyre now all tight and pointed looking.

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