Problems With New Dwarf Gouramis


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Have been waitin ages to get some dwarf gouramis. I was patient and when I saw some but didnt like the way the lfs's looked after the fish I held off.

Anyway eventually I bought 3 yesterday, 2 female and 1 male pale blue. Brought them home and put in quarantine with light off. Left them in peace for rest of day with a few peeks here and there.

On closer inspection today I have a few worries about the male.

1. He has a black vertical mark next to his eye about 1cm. Could it be a bruise or injury?

2. He has lost 1 of the long spiky fins at the front. Will it grow back?

3. He is being agressive towards the females.
Have you tried asking in the gourami section? How big is the quarantine tank and have you got hiding spaces for them in there?
The black mark I can't say anything about without a picture but it could possibly be a scratch or injury. It may also just be part of his coloration.

The ventral fin will grow back in time. The only thing to watch is for it to not get infected so make sure the water is very clean. Also, it may never grow to the same length as before. This isn't a problem though and he should be fine - even with uneven fins :p.

The aggression is normal. I'd suggest adding some ornaments, plastic plants, anything floating you can get your hands on (ie: styrofoam cup cut lengthways is good enough), ceramic pots etc to give the females places to hide and the male a chance to choose a temporary territory. Also, you didn't mention what size the quarantine tank is. If it's less than 15 gallons, it may be a good idea to seperate the fish while you quarantine. If you have another tank to put the females or the male in, that would be ideal.

Just wanted to add that it's great to see someone quarantining these fish :thumbs:... Dwarf gouramies are notorious for introducing or carrying disease and it's always a shame to see them over-looked because of it. As long as you can quarantine, dwarf gouramies are amazing fish to keep. Good luck with them! :D

Oh and, you probably are aware of this already, but there are some pinned topics and several threads in the anabantoids section you may find useful :)
Have you tried asking in the gourami section? How big is the quarantine tank and have you got hiding spaces for them in there?

The q tank is 25l. There are rocks and plants in there but no caves. I have plant cover at the top too.

Im pretty sure he lost his long fin before I got him. Is it likely he's been fighting and will it grow back?

edit: your post beat me to it, Im gald his fin will grow again. Will something like melafix help?

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