Lump On Fish


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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I have just noticed one of my guppies has a lump sticking out of his side, pinky red and a bit white on the outside.

have tested water and all readings are ok. introduced dwarf gourami about a week ago but she's not showing signs of anything.

was reading this thread thread
does this mean it could be an ulcer?
Sounds like an ulcer with the pinky red and the circling of white on the outside will get you a link.
Can you issolate her as she will need a bacterial med.
Sounds like an ulcer with the pinky red and the circling of white on the outside will get you a link.
Can you issolate her as she will need a bacterial med.

These are my choices:

Put the sick fish in small tank with 15 guppy fry and maybe lose some fry.

or put sick fish in small tank & fry into breeding tank or net in main tank

or leave sick fish in main tank & TREAT WHOLE TANK or do i need to do this anyway?

What do you think?

Can anyone advise me?
I need to treat a fish with an ulcer. Whats the best course of action out of these?

Put the sick fish in small tank with 15 guppy fry and maybe lose some fry.

or put sick fish in small tank & fry into breeding tank or net in main tank

or leave sick fish in main tank & TREAT WHOLE TANK or do i need to do this anyway?

What do you think?
I think it would be good to confirm it is really an ulcer. I have a swordtail with a lump on his side. It's definitely not an ulcer and has never ruptured. Is the lump on your fish smooth and unbroken?

I believe my swordtail has a tumor based on the research I've done. Tumors can either be benign or malignant. My fish behaves perfectly normal -- eats, swims, poops like the others and the tumor appears to cause no pain. I've read that fish can live with these tumors for their normal life. However, if the tumor grows and begins to cause discomfort, then euthanizing the fish is the probably the best thing as there is no cure.

I'm not saying it's not an ulcer. I just wanted you to consider that it may be a tumor before you administer a load of meds.

This website has some helpful pictures to look at:
I think it would be good to confirm it is really an ulcer. I have a swordtail with a lump on his side. It's definitely not an ulcer and has never ruptured. Is the lump on your fish smooth and unbroken?

I believe my swordtail has a tumor based on the research I've done. Tumors can either be benign or malignant. My fish behaves perfectly normal -- eats, swims, poops like the others and the tumor appears to cause no pain. I've read that fish can live with these tumors for their normal life. However, if the tumor grows and begins to cause discomfort, then euthanizing the fish is the probably the best thing as there is no cure.

The skin is broken over the lump and its appearing fuzzy white now.
It also appeared very suddenly.
Definitely does not sound the same as what my fish has.

Back to your original question --- about which tank to treat the fish in. Of the three choices you gave, I guess my choice would be to move the sick fish into a small tank all to itself. It's a lot easier to treat a small tank than 50 gallons. I'm not sure how the fry will do being moved again (into a breeder net) as I do not know much about guppy fry. Good luck and keep us posted.

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