What Could These Tiny Black Spots Be?


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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1st time ive tried putting a pic on so sorry if its rubbish (or completely doesnt work, more likely).

This is the dwarf gourami which i thought might have HITH a week or so ago. The tiny black dots are around his head area. The 2 females I have, have some dots but theyre much lighter in colour so dont think theyll show on a pic.

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Thought as much. Sorry, 2nd attempt...

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Not the writer of this information below.
Black Spot


Your fish will have small black spots measuring about 2 millimeters in diameter. These can be found anywhere on the fish’s body and fins. Cysts may be found in the internal organs. It is typical for African Cichlids, however, to constantly have little black spots, especially around their mouths. These black spots should not be mistaken for "Black Spot." These are scabs, which have resulted from digging in the gravel or from fighting.


Larvae of parasitic digenetic flukes, Cercaria and Metacercaria. The spots seen contain larval stages of digenetic flukes. The life cycle of these parasitic flukes begins when fish-eating birds and other animals ingest fish infected with the parasites. Once ingested the parasites mature in the intestines of the host animal where they produce eggs. The eggs are then deposited into the water where they hatch and infect the livers of aquatic snails. The parasites then develop into a second and then third larval stage before leaving the snail to seek out a fish host. This type of parasitic infestation is most common in wild caught fish and pond fish.


Remove all snails from the aquarium or pond to end the cycle of infection. Treatment is rarely necessary and can be difficult if not impossible. Minor infestations may clear without treatment as the larvae will eventually die and be absorbed by the host's immune responses. Copper Sulfate may be helpful in severe cases.
Oh :crazy: better go and do some digital photography course.

Will update later when Im a bit more learned. :X

OK 3rd time lucky...

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Let me see if i'm understanding this correctly you say the females have black spots, where on the fish, can't see anything in the pics, sorry.

New pic think its worked. Black dots can be seen in a sort of arc near the eye.
Right any signs of laboured breathing, or flicking and rubbing, if they are near the eye could be a parasite then like that article has mentioned.
Apart from black dots, seems absolutely fine. He did have a sort of dark black gash near his eye about 1/2cm long when i got him but thats just about healed.

The females have no black dots just sort of pin prick marks in the same area but very difficult to see.
Maybe its normal - my 1st gouramis.

If the male did have a disease would the females have caught it as well by now?
Yes they could have, but you say it has healed, all I suggest for now is just keep a close eye on them, and if the pin marks change or get any bigger get back to the board, good luck.
Yes they could have, but you say it has healed, all I suggest for now is just keep a close eye on them, and if the pin marks change or get any bigger get back to the board, good luck.

Thanks Wilder, will continue with the vitamin soaked food & keep an eye on them.
Wish i could help more at this time, but can't think of anything, fish always a worry.

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