Search results

  1. I

    Betta And Goldfish Toghether! Yeah!

    I tested my bettas non-harmful side last week. Well I want to get tropical saltwater fish so I decided that Id put my betta in my goldfish tank. I was kinda :drool: nervous. The betta didnt even touch them for one whole week! Is this surprising or what! Now I can get saltwater fish! :drool...
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    Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?

    I like the prices! I want the 65gal. How much do u think it'd cost for shipping? also how big would it be in feet?
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    Do You Eat Fish?

    good idea! metfan
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    Do You Eat Fish?

    YUM! I love shrimp battered and frozen, perch, wallai,etc But yes i'd never eat my fish. "cough" yum! jk
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    Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?

    were can you get stands?
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    Oh My

    well my guppie was missing for about two days and I was woried that he mightove jumped out or was dead somewere in the tank. So I went to my basketball practice and after i got home i found him. he was sucked up into the filter and shot out lol. I couldnt figure out how he got in there? its...
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    Betta With Goldfish?

    ok i'll be sure to never mix the two. also do u need a heater for bettas? If so what temp does it have to be between?
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    Betta With Goldfish?

    I am thinking of putting my betta in my goldfish tank? Is this a good idea? Will the betta kill the goldfish? Because if the betta is going to kill the goldfish then im not going to do so. i love my fish to much! :nod: :wub:
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    How Big Can They Get?

    oh thats not very big! -_-
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    sorry for your loss. :-(
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    Clifford The Little Red Betta

    Hes cute! :*)
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    How Big Can They Get?

    How big can a bette get? :/
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    O.k. Betta Still Not Eating!

    I bought a new betta yesterday at walmart. hes healthy and everything but he hasnt eatin in 24hrs! idk y? Hes in a 5gal right now. His food is Betta Premium Food WARDLEY. i ground up the food to eavin smaller bits hes still not eating? any help would be appreciated? :crazy:
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    Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?

    holy jeesh! I better get a stand. I have 150lbs on it right now. Ive got one 10gal, one 5gal, and a betta mini tank.
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    Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?

    oh really. I dont want a stand. I use my gigantic dresser.
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    Just Won A Tank On Ebay

    how many gallon's is 270 liters?
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    Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?

    Thanx lljdma06 ur so helpful! I think walmart is selling a 50gal for $80! I saw it yesterday when I went there.
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    Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?

    Ok I need to know were i can get an 80-100gal tank? My fish are getting way to big for the 10gal i have right now. any help would be appreciated. :D Im looking to pay between $75-$125. looking to get this tank for christmas. im so excited! :fun: no help?
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    Betta Not Eating Food?

    ok thnx :D
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    Betta Not Eating Food?

    were can u buy these 'bloody worms"?? maybe i should gring the food into smaller peices? :D yes i just got him today. at walmart Boy! they really dont take care of there fish at walmart! i saw at least 15 dead fish in 5 tanks! :no:
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    Betta Not Eating Food?

    my betta isnt eating his food. He hasnt eatin at all today! is my new fish food to big? My fish food is Wardley Betta premium Food. Its mini pellets my betta is about 1inch long not including the tale. help??????????/ :no: i really need help! :-(
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    My Filter Isnt Working?

    i just bought another filter. hope it clears up bu tommoro. :D I now have one 5gal filter and one 10gal filter. I corrently have a 10gal tank and guessing within a month im getting bigger. :D
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    thanx guys! :D
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    My Filter Isnt Working?

    I read that but its really confusing???
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    That is really confusing??????? :crazy: can u tell me how its done in shortest terms possible?
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    Fish For Fish?

    Yes i know that silly. what i mean is that my dad could take me fishing for one.
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    where is the other forum?
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    Im new to taking good care to my fish. I need to know what cycling is? I hear ir alot. :/
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    My Filter Isnt Working?

    What does cycle mean? I just got done changing half of there water. its a little clearer.
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    My Filter Isnt Working?

    Ok i have to golfish in it. ones about 3inches long and the other is and inch long. i have a fake spider like plant in the tank. Ive got a bubble bar and gravel that is clear. thats it??? :/
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    My Filter Isnt Working?

    I got a new 10gal tank 3 days ago. I got a filter and it says perfect for 10gal tanks? I followed the directions and everything. The make is Aqua Tech Deluxe 5-15 power filter. my tank just isnt clear? oh and ive got two small fish in it. krazy.gif Any help would be appreciated. im listening...
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    Fish For Fish?

    no not really but thats how fish companys make there money.
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    Fish For Fish?

    i live in america. you can fish for as many fish as u want! :D
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    Fish For Fish?

    y would it be illegal?
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    Fish For Fish?

    This may sound a little dumb but do u think that u could go fishing and catch a small enough fish so u could bring it home and keep it? :/ Sounds fun but stupid idea. :D And its free. :lol:
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    Filter Not Working?

    its a deluxe aqua tech 5-15 power filter.
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    Filter Not Working?

    I got my new fish tank about three days ago. I dont think the filter is working? :-( I have a ten gallon fish tank with a 10 gal filter. need help. :nod: also my filter is a aqua tech
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    Have U Ever Owened A A Fish That Died?

    hey i have a solution to most of the deaths of fishes! its called get cover for ur fish tank! :lol: Well the only time I had a fish jump out is when i didnt have a cover. :S