Cant Find 80-100gal Tank For My Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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Ok I need to know were i can get an 80-100gal tank? My fish are getting way to big for the 10gal i have right now.
any help would be appreciated. :D

Im looking to pay between $75-$125.

looking to get this tank for christmas.
im so excited! :fun:

no help?
Do an online search on google. Look at your large chain stores. Small LFS often sell larger systems. Scan your phone book and call LFS. For $75-125, your best bet is the classifieds of your local newspaper. Many large, second-hand tanks are going to be quite afordable. I think that your price range, however, is going to make things quite difficult, especially if you live in the US. Unless I'm in la la land, I've never seen a brand new retail tank that size go for $75-125. A more reasonable estimate is between $300-$400 dollars, but that's including tank and stand.

Now, I have seen a 55g system selling at Walmart for less that $100. If you upgrade the filter in that starter kit, or buy another filter (which I highly recommend for those little piggys :wub: ), I don't see any reason why your two goldfish wouldn't be happy in there for quite some time, and you can search for a larger tank then at your leasure. Your obeying even the conservative rule of goldfish stocking (30g for first fish, 10g for additional fish), and the surface area is pretty decent in a 55g. This is just a more cost efficient solution and you may have the results by Christmas. I'm not saying don't look for a larger system, but this is an affordable solution, if you still only have the two goldfish we discussed earlier.

Congratulations on their growth! I hope this helps a bit.
Thanx lljdma06 ur so helpful!
I think walmart is selling a 50gal for $80!
I saw it yesterday when I went there.
Funny, the 55G by me and OA's house is selling for $156.99
W/e you do, do not buy the walmart stand. You can actually get a way better quality stand somewhere else, for under $20 more then you would have paid...
Dressers dont always work the best, esepecially if they are made out of wood.
You could try it, but remember you're going to have almost 600 pounds on that dresser!
holy jeesh! I better get a stand.
I have 150lbs on it right now.
Ive got one 10gal, one 5gal, and a betta mini tank.
Yeah, stands usually work much better.
if you get anything above a 60G, stands are a must! has a 90 gallon for $150. That is the cheapest you will find a new tank. Check their show list to see if they will be at a show near you. You can contact them ahead of time, they will bring your tank to the show.

Check out Aquabid for used tanks if you want one cheaper. I won't pay more than half retail for used equipment. A used 90 for $75 is the most I would pay. shows a 90 gallon weighing a little over 1,000 pounds full. You will need a stand, your dresser will be waterlogged splinters. You can put in your zip code to find an All-Glass distributer near you if you want to go that route.

You can build a better stand yourself. Store bought stands are built like crap, unless you want to spend 300+ dollars. Some of those are built cheap too. Good looks are easy attain, climb underneath that stand & see how it's constructed. has instructions for building your own stand. Scroll down to the diy section on the left. Look over the diagrams, then look inside store bought stands. If you find one built like that, find out who makes it, & tell me. I have yet to find any built like that, & I've looked.

I wouldn't suggest building your own unless I'd done it myself. I don't need 65 gallons of water in my living room leaking down into my finished basement. All the stands I looked at sucked. The GARF design will hold double the weight of the tank it's built for.

I like the prices!
I want the 65gal.
How much do u think it'd cost for shipping?

also how big would it be in feet?
Yeah, stands usually work much better.
if you get anything above a 60G, stands are a must!

this is not always true, i have my 55G on a stand..that is not made for fish tanks..but it's fine..check my link in my sig to see it :D
Down in my fishroom in the basement I would use the dresser idea if it were sturdy enough. I have in the past, and have a 20 high on a nightstand next to the tv in the family room. Leakage in the basement doesn't concern me, having a concrete floor with drains.

In an upstairs room, I might use a dresser if I could get inside it to reinforce it with some 2x4's & deck screws. If you look up the weight of the full tank, and get a few of your friends that add up to that weight to sit on the piece of furniture you plan on holding the tank, you will have a good idea if it will work or not. If it has any wobble of the base or warpage of the top, pull out the drawers, and get to work with some lumber & screws. You can pull the fronts off the drawers & tack them on the front if the added supports are in the way. No one is going to be interested in what the inside of your dresser/stand looks like, unless you are like me.


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