Fish For Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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This may sound a little dumb but do u think that u could go fishing and catch a small enough fish so u could bring it home and keep it? :/
Sounds fun but stupid idea. :D
And its free. :lol:
This may sound a little dumb but do u think that u could go fishing and catch a small enough fish so u could bring it home and keep it? :/
Sounds fun but stupid idea. :D
And its free. :lol:

Im not sure whether its legal in most places.. but I suppose in a private lake or something you could do it. But you would only keep that by itself, as it will almost definately have a disease and kill of your other fish, and also many may think it cruel to take it out its naturally environment.

Also, you will find it needs special things to keep it alive, being its diet, water conditions, and salts. ;)

So, maybe not the best idea. :)
I agree with the above advice.
y would it be illegal?

Firstly the fish will most probably belong to someone else, ie a fishery or angling club so it could be considered stealing. Otherwise you would have people stealing large carp all over the country to put in their private lakes (actually this already happens and people get prosecuted)
would u wanna be plucked from your home without barriers and moved somewhere else u didnt know with a giant person looking at you all the time?
To be honest i think it's cruel to take a fish out of that sort of enviroment and place it in a tank, too much stress.
Yeah, people already buy wild fish all the time and don't know it...
To be honest i think it's cruel to take a fish out of that sort of enviroment and place it in a tank, too much stress.

Wilder, how many tropical fishkeepers can know for sure that none of their fish were wild-caught?
(well, alright, there's a fair chance my livebearers weren't but most plecs and corys will have been, clown loaches almost certainly etc etc)

Is there a difference with tropical fish, just because we've never seen "that environment"?
And even if they weren't, that same cruelty was perpetrated against their ancestors a few generations back, otherwise we'd none of us have any fish in our tanks.

So why would it be more cruel if a hobbyist did it themselves- always assuming it was legal in their area and the fish was not rare - at least the fish would be spared being shipped across continents.
I no what you mean, but i couldn't do it, when you buy fish you don't no where they are from most of the time, but to do it yourself well to me i couldn't do it.
i agree with dwarf, i guess that there are pros and cons for catching fish. Pros:cheap,could be less stressful,fun. Cons:could be illigal, taking out of enviornment, and it might be even more stressful, diesases....etc :/
This may sound a little dumb but do u think that u could go fishing and catch a small enough fish so u could bring it home and keep it? :/
Sounds fun but stupid idea. :D
And its free. :lol:

Im not sure whether its legal in most places.. but I suppose in a private lake or something you could do it. But you would only keep that by itself, as it will almost definately have a disease and kill of your other fish, and also many may think it cruel to take it out its naturally environment.

Also, you will find it needs special things to keep it alive, being its diet, water conditions, and salts. ;)

So, maybe not the best idea. :)

Yeah...Its not such a good Idea since your taking it from a wild enviorment.. And if you knew that some species of fish like a betta are much more aggressive than pet store bettas. Also the fish may have a disease so i wouldnt encourage you to take it from the wild... :p

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