Betta Not Eating Food?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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my betta isnt eating his food.
He hasnt eatin at all today!
is my new fish food to big?
My fish food is Wardley Betta premium Food.
Its mini pellets
my betta is about 1inch long not including the tale.

help??????????/ :no:

i really need help! :-(
my betta isnt eating his food.
He hasnt eatin at all today!
is my new fish food to big?
My fish food is Wardley Betta premium Food.
Its mini pellets
my betta is about 1inch long not including the tale.

help??????????/ :no:

Uhhhhhh...I'm not sure if this is a problem of what your feeding him...Maybe it is. If your concerned that he doesnt like the food your giving him...Then you should change it 2 something more easier to eat. The picture of a 1 inch betta is still a little fuzzy in my mind. But tiny frozen bloodworms would do nicely. But dont feed him to much or else hes gonna get constipated. If that happens feed him a defrosted pea. But remeber to defrost the bloodworms maybe 4-6 bloodworms but if he doesnt eat it all then feed him less. maybe to 4 blood worms. But there can be another explanation... If you just got him he maybe stressed and still getting used to his surroundings. Just sleep on it and see what happens tommorrow...
were can u buy these 'bloody worms"??

maybe i should gring the food into smaller peices? :D

yes i just got him today.
at walmart
Boy! they really dont take care of there fish at walmart!
i saw at least 15 dead fish in 5 tanks! :no:
were can u buy these 'bloody worms"??

maybe i should gring the food into smaller peices? :D

yes i just got him today.
at walmart
Boy! they really dont take care of there fish at walmart!
i saw at least 15 dead fish in 5 tanks! :no:

Well is your betta trying to eat what you put in and failing? Like he can’t fit it in his mouth or he spits it back out? Or is he not even bothering to eat it. If he’s not even bothering to eat it I doubt that making the pellets smaller will help. But hey it wouldn’t hurt to try. :)

Have you seen him go to the bathroom at all recently? Is he constipated?

Blood worms can be found at most pet/fish stores. Be sure to get frozen and not freeze dried. I’ve heard that freeze dried is bad for bettas insides. :(

Perhaps some of the more experienced betta keepers will be able to give you a better idea of what may be going on. :/
were can u buy these 'bloody worms"??

maybe i should gring the food into smaller peices? :D

yes i just got him today.
at walmart
Boy! they really dont take care of there fish at walmart!
i saw at least 15 dead fish in 5 tanks! :no:

Yeah I cant say that Wal-Mart is the best place to buy your fish at but i dont think you can buy blood worms there... Usually blood worms are in Fish stores and if your Betta doesnt want to eat the food you give him its not a good Idea to grind because if you grind the pellets there going to turn into really really small particles which will pollute the tank because they will sink to the bottom...
Normally when I get a new betta and he doesnt eat his food,Ill starve him for 3 days.Then feed him with the same food.Then he will get used to it
Normally when I get a new betta and he doesnt eat his food,Ill starve him for 3 days.Then feed him with the same food.Then he will get used to it

Yup...That works also...An explination is a dead giveaway because he will want food so much that he will eat anything that he can find then when you see him eating you can feed him that food regularly...But for some reason I never tried that because it seemed to harsh to starve him...I'll just feed him 1 pellet until he accepts it...And when he accepts it ill put him 3 and then 4...but I dont usually exceed 4 then thats over feeding...I feed mine once in the morning and once at night. :rolleyes: ...But i may be overfeeding him is that true? anybody...
Sometimes when I get new fish they do not want to eat for a couple days--or more, then they get hungry enough to want to eat.
Good luck with your fishy!!!
Also, bettas are shy when it comes to eating. When I first bought my betta would eat only when I was not looking, taking its own sweet time. And later in the day, it also pick food on the bottom. They'll get used to the food in a week or so.
It's often referred to as "fasting." Most experienced Betta, even all fish, keepers fast their fish once a week and feed pea regularly. (For some fish a cucumber is more appropriate.) It is a good preventative against constipation and gas (both make sick Bettas.)
It's often referred to as "fasting." Most experienced Betta, even all fish, keepers fast their fish once a week and feed pea regularly. (For some fish a cucumber is more appropriate.) It is a good preventative against constipation and gas (both make sick Bettas.)

I agree with her ^^^^^^ ... :D

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