Search results

  1. M

    Algea in Betta tank

    You could probably instead of snail get either an algea eater or wipe off the algea, because I have found that snail don't eat enough algea to make a difference.
  2. M

    My first pictures with new camera

    fruit mmm........... 8)
  3. M


    The walmart where I live is ok but not as bad as most of the other ones. From what I've heard they treat their fish really bad so I'll help.
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  5. M

    My guppy died after birth

    Aren't you glad humans don't have 60 babies at a time
  6. M


    Why will she die if it turns red?
  7. M

    Back drops for fishtanks

    I prefer not to have a background because it makes it harder to see the fish.
  8. M


    If you only have 1.
  9. M

    rainbow shark

    i think they get around 10" and I don't know how many you can have together.
  10. M

    Black crawly things!!!

    Is there any chance they could be baby fish or maybe they're bugs that got into your tank.
  11. M

    Female betta with mouth fungus?

    I've heard that you shouldn't put bettas in salt so I would recomend not to give him a salt bath.
  12. M

    Funny story...

    :lol: lol :lol:
  13. M

    fishy questions

    My guppy had her babies and there are 7 of them. They were pretty big so that can make up for so few.
  14. M

    Give Us A Kiss

    What is it it lloks so weird :blink:
  15. M

    Amano Extreme Tank

    Thats huge!!! I need that tank... ooh shoplifting :shifty:
  16. M

    fishy questions

    I'm just checkin out my options for future fish. My guppy is about to have her babies and really happy.
  17. M

    Cories are Dying help

    What kind of problems and what is your pH and ammonia.
  18. M

    fishy questions

    Ok I have 3 questions- 1. Are skunk botias compatible with the fish I have in my 10g, and how big do they get? 2. Are panda cories compatible with the fish I have in my 10g, and how big do they get? 3. Are female bettas compatible with the fish I have in my 10g, and how big do they get.
  19. M

    Some pics of my 220 Gallon

    i'll nominate it for Large TOTM!! It looks so cool.
  20. M

    What is This????

    they sound really cool. Where can you get them. do you know if they sell them at petsmart.
  21. M


    Neon tetras and danios but im in the u.s. so it may not be the same over there.
  22. M

    What is This????

    lol :lol: they look so weird :crazy:
  23. M

    Where Are Your Tank Located?

    Both my tanks are in my bedroom cause my mom refused to put them anywhere else.
  24. M

    Strange dream

  25. M

    my pets

    I have a guinea pig, hamster, spotted salamander, a betta, 3 guppies, 2 cories, 2 danios. 2 neon tetras, and an upsidedown catfish. It's not much compared to some peoples pets though.
  26. M

    New Tank Questions,,, Update..

    Wow you didn't lose a single fish!! thats awesome I wish I could have found biospira but my lfs didnt have any in stock.
  27. M


    yeah Maybe you should get a betta instead. They are really beautiful and are really fun to watch!
  28. M


    You know your a fish-a-holic when you invite the people from the fish store over for dinner. :lol:
  29. M

    Whire spot treatment...

    If the neds your using now don't work after you continue adding them then try Melafix cause it works.
  30. M

    Baby platty!!

    The other ones are either hiding or have been eaten. It's most likely that they have been eaten though. I bet it's a cute baby fishy wishy though. :P
  31. M

    4 weeks.. ammonia.. and STILL no nitrites??

    Maybe you added to many fish at once or something and it shot the ammonia up. HTH :D
  32. M

    Diamond Shark?

    You definitely need to get it to a bigger tank. And aren't cichlids cold water fish and it says you have them with barbs? Maybe you should check up on that. Good luck on finding a new home. :D
  33. M

    Dwarf puffer question

    I wouldn't think you would need 20g for a DWARF puffer because they only grow to be 1". I would hink 2 or 3 would be good in a 10g, but don't put them with other fish. (I almost got some until I discovered that)
  34. M

    A few questions i cant figure out...

    cool 8) I nver knew the pl*co thing.
  35. M

    Am I going to overstock my tank?

    I strongly advise against getting angels because they get tp be really big and very tall and I think they are agggressive. Good Luck with the tank. :D
  36. M

    Sailfin Pleco??

    How big do sailfin plecos get? :blink: I kinda wanna get one.
  37. M

    New pics of my CrownTail

    I'll nominate both of them for BOTM. :D
  38. M

    German Blue Ram....

    FOTM nomination!! thats a really cool fish.
  39. M

    My BIGGEST tank......

    Deffinitely TOTM material. :D