What is This????

I have heard of them and seen them before alothugh I am not sure exactly what purpose they serve other than what was said about algae, and that's the first time I have heard that!

I'd be interested to know.
well I have been thinking of getting 2 or 3 of them but since there 15.99 candian here they pritty pricey... my fls told me if you brake them open ull get alot if diffrent seed any they will start growing plants in ur tank but I dont know if thats such a goood idea...
Heard of them, you bet. I've got four of them. They're also called "Marimo balls". Around here, they go for about $3US each.

Mine are about 2" in diameter (about the size of a raquet ball). They're very plush, and seem to do well in low light (mine look great, after four months in about 2/3 wpg).

They don't seem to grow very fast, but maybe that's because of my light. I've heard that as they grow, they get hollow on the inside. Then, if you have enough light in your tank, supposedly some of the oxygen they produce gets "trapped" inside the ball and they start to float; i.e. they'll rise a bit, release some gas, and then sink.

Pretty much zero maintenance (sometimes you flip them over if the bottom starts getting pale), and look pretty neat.

edit: also, the pictures can be kind of deceiving. If you're wondering, they're not "slimy" at all. "Furry" would be a better word.
They probably will. One thing about the moss balls is they sort of act as little mechanical filters. In my experience, flake food crumbs tend to get caught in them. But, all my fish seem to have noticed this, too. Ten minutes after I feed them, most of the fish go down and nose around the moss balls, and clean them up pretty well.

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