My guppy died after birth


New Member
Feb 6, 2004
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wiltshire, uk
Can anyone tell me whether female guppies die straight after birth or a little while after. My beautiful guppy had about 60 babies and 2 weeks later she died. I did notice a little bit of redness under her belly, does anyone know wot this is? :( :/
Don't no why she died.
Keep an eye on the rest of your guppys.
It may just of been a one off.
It was probably one of two possible things. Either she was too young when she gave birth or she was too stressed out from giving birth. Guppies should only be bred after gaining full growth. If they are too young their bodies aren't ready and they end up dying. Stress is extreme in any birth. If she gave birth in a breeding trap that could have stressed her out causing her death.
well i got her from a local fish shop and then 1 week later she had the fry so i dont no how old she was
That happen to me too.
every time I got 2 female guppys thay had some fry and died a week or 2 later.
This happened to me 5 times.
Then i got 6 and one had fry and died in a week.
The other 5 are OK.
Thay all have had 2 lots of fry so far.
60 babies wow that is alot!!!!!!!! I reckon stress was deffinatley the cause of death, can you imagine what would happen to you if you had 60 Babies :fun:

*edit* 2 weeks after birth is quite along time though so perhaps it wasn't stress :no:
im sorry about your guppy, but at least you have 60 fry to remeber her by :D

i think she was probably stressed out after having 60 fry

i had a swordtail die a couple of days after giving birth, but at least i had her babies
I've had mixed results with pregnant mothers after they've given birth. I had three but two died quite soon after giving birth (one caught a serious case of Ick) and I've also presumed that the stress of being chased by the males for days before (if not weeks) and then giving birth exhausted them, stressed them out etc.

On the other hand, I have one guppy (named hunch) who was young when she had her first brood, but is now heavily pregnant with her third, and is huge..... hopefully I won't lose her.

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