Diamond Shark?


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
The Great White North
My friend got a diamond shark several months ago, now it's 5" long and is miserable in his 15 gallon tank (he's in there with 2 large gouramis as well). He wants me to keep him for a couple months in my fishtank (32 gallon) untill we find him a better home. Will a diamond shark be a problem with my other fish, which are all pretty small:
2 Clown Loaches, 1" long
3 Cherry Barbs, 1"
3 Tiger Barbs, 1.5"
1 Chinese alage eater, 2.25"
1 Veijita Cichlid (Apistogramma), 2"

I started a thread on this in the fish emergencies, but nobody responded in 2 days, so I started this one for more replies. I know the whole group of freshwater "Sharks" are just minnows; but, this diamond shark could easily fit many of my fish in his mouth.
NO. That dude needs a minimum of a 55g tank now not tomorrow now, although yesterday would have been better. They get to be the better part of a foot long and a good 9" deep bodied. They are a huge fish and will NOT do well in with your other fish.

You definitely need to get it to a bigger tank. And aren't cichlids cold water fish and it says you have them with barbs? Maybe you should check up on that. Good luck on finding a new home. :D
Well, he's in my tank now. He's not a problem with the other fish, besides scaring them occasionally. He uprooted everything in the tank overnight, and ate some of the plant's roots. My tank is about 78 degrees F; which is fine for the barbs, and the cichlid doesn't mind it. I couldn't find that specific species anywhere though.
I'm going to start looking for a new home. My LFS has 2 200 gallon display tanks that they might be willing to put it in.

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