A few questions i cant figure out...

Phantom Thief

Population Control Volunteer
Oct 6, 2003
Reaction score
A world of my own
Ok, here they are:

1. How can a betta eat a guppy? isnt its stomach the size of its eyeball? how can the guppy fit in its mouth?

2. why do people spell pleco as pl*co?

I must look like a complete idiot :*) , but im really baffled :dunno: . Feel free to post more questions or, if possible, answer them.

ok. for the betta eating the guppy, thats never gonna happen :rolleyes:
the betta will probably nip itd long fins thinking its another betta :crazy:

hrmmm, i aint sure bout the pl*co part :fun:

id like an answer to :)
People put Pl*eco because there's an old wives tail like thing. Wirting plec or pleco would make your fish die.

I asked this question on Planet Catfish once and that's basically what they told me.
people write pl*co because apparently if you write pleco your pleco might die... or something like that...
Well, i have no plecos, so no worries for me :D . As to bettas eating guppies, i heard it before. Unless that fella is lying, which is what i suspected. At least i now know the story behind pl*co. Any idea on the origins. And here's one more:

Why is the doctor'sjob called a 'practice'?

Rather strange request but its called a practice because that is where he practices (E.g medicating people, not as in practice makes perfect :fun: )

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