rainbow shark


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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i got this rainbow shark yesterday i was wondering how many i can have together and how big will they get ? :unsure:
6' inches is right and they are agresive towards any fish that looks like a carp or minnow I put a common goldfish with mine and It chased it all the time so I took it (the CGF) out and put it in a bowl (will feed it to a turtle soon)

opcn said:
6' inches is right and they are agresive towards any fish that looks like a carp or minnow I put a common goldfish with mine and It chased it all the time so I took it (the CGF) out and put it in a bowl (will feed it to a turtle soon)

You put a goldfish in a bowl?!!!! :eek: I don't think you should be mixing low coldwater with quick tropical anyway.

I don't know about all rianbow sharks obviously but I have had one in my community tank for about 4 months and he is grand. He has got fat but not long, I am not sure what size they get to. Mine is very, very dark with bright fins which is supposidy a good sign of health. I do know that you should only keep one. And no red fin/red tail shark. They even get nippy with shark shaped fish like flying foxes too. Although mine are ok.

It's cycled gravle and Ive got a filter on it so its okay for 3 days or so. then its off to the GI tract of a chinese soft shell turtle. as far as putting him in my tank he is just such a handsom fish i hate to let it go its just so good looking (and it can outrun my shark the shark is quite fat and it is quite thin and muscular)

st.cichlid said:
can rainbows be kept with 2 oscars in a 75 :dunno:
Probably not good...

IMO 2 oscars in a 75 is pushing the bio load. I wouldnt follow the normal rule of length to volume ratio with them... but I am an advocate of leaving room for being lazy and understocking the heck out of stuff... perhaps some one knows about aggression...

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