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  1. D

    help. on breeding guppies

    When you have fry they need to be fed often but this in turn makes the tank very dirty so the tank needs cleaning often, if they are kept in a trap then the water doesn’t flow through very easily and quickly gets too polluted for the fry to survive. Whether the fry survive in your main tank...
  2. D

    Platys wont breed!

    Are you sure they are not having fry or are they getting eaten by other tank mates? Do a water change and check the water quality to see if there is a problem, also what temperature is the tank at because they like the water a little warmer to breed.
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    They should be fine, some fish will tend to nip at guppies tails (males mostly) because they are so colourful, so I'd say that if you're unsure then stick with platys or mollies, or maybe female guppies.
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    "The Tilt"

    Sounds like a possibility. Can't say I've noticed but I have a guppy who is due to give birth next week so I shall keep an eye out!! ;)
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    hi there

    :hi: to the forum. :)
  6. D

    hey! :D

    :hi: to the forum. :)
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    Swordies and Mollies

    My local fish shop owner said that they are not compatible, (he could very well be wrong!), personally I have never owned mollies so I can't speak from my own experience. I'm sure someone on the forum will have the answer for you. :thumbs:
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    :hi: to the forum.
  9. D

    HI from another Newbie

    Hi shiftingsands, I'm from Fishguard, not very far from Crymych, I don't know where your nearest club is though. I think your tank will probably work out at 30ish gallons if it's 3ft. You may be ably to raise some baby fry in your small tank. It's very rewarding. :thumbs:
  10. D

    platy problem?????

    From your post it seems that you have one male and one female? If so you should try to get one or two more females because the male will harass her constantly and she may well die. However this will only reduce the stress she is under, there could well be something else wrong with her, do the...
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    HI from another Newbie

    60gal!!! WOW.....that's a BIG tank!!! I'm from Wales too, Pembrokeshire, where in Wales are you? Platys and guppies are great fish (that's what I've got), if you are going to have males and females though you will need at least two or three females (of each) for every male. They will breed...
  12. D

    Molly killed the swordtail :(

    Hi, sorry to hear the bad news. Mollies and swordtails don't get on very well together, your fish shop should not have sold you both together. What type are your other fish? You are right to separate her from the others, it might stop her behaiviour but if not I'm sure your LFS will take her back.
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    poor pearl gourami

    I'm sure that your local fish shop will be able to order any fish you would like if they don't have it in stock.
  14. D

    thinking about getting some corys...

    What type of corys did you have previously? I have found that peppered corys are more hardy then some of the other types, I think bronze and albino corys are quite hardy too. They should be kept in a group, three is the least I'd say, five or six would be better if you have the space.
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    :hi: to the forum.
  16. D

    HI from another Newbie

    Oh...........and remember to use a water conditioner. :thumbs:
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    Bullying platy

    As long as he in still eating I wouldn't worry too much, he is missing his friends but it is hopefully going to stop his bullying behaviour. Keep him in there for now. The female is obviously enjoying the rest; she will hopefully gain some confidence from this.
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    poor pearl gourami

    You could have a 10gal community tank just be careful what fish you put in, keep to the small ones and be aware of the fish that like to be kept in shoals. I'm sure if you post your preference on the forum you will get all the advice you need, what type of fish would you like to keep?
  19. D

    agressive platies

    There is always a pecking order and your platys are just trying to establish who the boss is. If they get too aggressive and start to injure each other you will need to split them up. Hiding places are a good idea. If they do start to harass the female you will definitely have to get more...
  20. D

    HI from another Newbie

    :hi: to the forum. What type of fish are you thinking about getting? When you set up a new tank it is a good idea to add something like 'bacterlife', this contains some 'good bacteria' which will help to break down the fish waste and helps prevent many new tank deaths. ;)
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    poor pearl gourami

    The large gourami types should be kept in at least a three foot tank, (I'm guessing yours is about two foot,) they need the length to swim freely. You do need to split them up as soon as possible or the pearl may get so harassed she will die. I would suggest that, if you can’t sell or give...
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    Cleaning Aquarium Equipment (nets etc)

    I just soak them in boiling water. If you are going to use any cleaning solution I would then soak them in boiling water or poor some boiling water over them, this will kill off any bacteria and should rinse away any cleaning solution. :thumbs:
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    Rip, Apollo.

    This sounds like a swimbladder problem, could be related to the fact that he was stunted. You're right to keep an eye on the others before introducing any other fish though. Sorry that you lost him, stunted fish never seem to live as long. :( :sad:
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    Bullying platy

    He should be fine with the corys, if he does continue this behaviour though I think the only option would be to try to swap him for another fish. :thumbs:
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    Bullying platy

    If you are going to move one of them out of the tank I would definitely move the male, this is because if you leave him in he will only have one female and he may harass her too, platys should ideally be kept two or three females to each male. You need to give the female a chance to relax in...
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    Thanks Zig, I'm enjoying the forum so far, I think it willl be very helpful. :cool:
  27. D

    Bullying platy

    There are a few possibilities........... 1. What colour are they? I know it sounds daft but sometimes platys can be a little racist!! I had a female blue wagtail which was constantly chasing away the red males! 2. How old is she? She could be a late developing male, her tank mates will know...
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    I'm a proud new mother!!!!!!! i think?

    Guppies often inbreed anyway, so I wouldn't worry about who the dad is. Inbreeding can cause some deformities in the fry, but these are often weaker and slower so don't make it to adulthood anyway. I'd keep the fry as long as you have enough space in your tank. ;)
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    Endlers Guppies

    I once had some threadfin rainbow fish, very small, very peaceful and very very pretty, or you could get some female endlers. :dunno:
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    Thank you for all the welcome notes. I have a 36"x21"x12" tank with platys, guppies and peppered corridora's. I have limited the types of fish so that they can breed within the tank; I have many plants and pebbles so the babies have plenty of places to hide. :fish: :fish: :fish:
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    Sexing Platy Fry

    Hi, I have found, in my experience, that the first sign is that the anal fin is larger on the female fry, and as for the males, once the anal fin starts to develop into a point you should then separate them, (before the gonopodium develops). Also remember that if you are not sure about any of...
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    I'm new to the forum and just wanted to say hi to everyone. HI EVERYONE!!! :D :fish: