Endlers Guppies

ye theres not really that much more you can put in a 7 gallon tank when you already have 8 endlers in there :/
Oh, gosh it is a 7 gallon tank? I didn't see that. Well, I'd say I have an easy answer for you, as to what to put in your tank, and it won't cost you a thing...just put in the endlers you already have. ;)
I think with good filtration and water maintenance you could have approx 12 adults in there. Remember that these guys are very very low waste producers and when you measure them, you do not measure the fins - only body length. That makes them somewhere between 0.5 and 0.75 inches max.
african dwarf frog? make certain its an ADF; if you get an African Clawed Frog you'll be in a world of hurt. (FYI: ADF don't come in albino)
How about a couple of sparkling gouramies? They are peaceable and curious and get along well in my community tank with endlers amongst others. The only ones that seem a problem are the harlequins who occasionally like to boss them about, although they will school with them.
They are bigger then guppies but they also go at a much slower pace and will occupy any part of the tank they feel like (mine certainly do).
Alternatively why not have a species tank with males and females? I'd like to do so with endlers sometimes soonish but the latest tank is nicking all my spare funds right now. :lol:
im liking the sound of that frog. Tell me more, how big is it, what colour is it? does it need part of the tank out of the water. what does it eat?

how big are sparkling gouramis?

not sure i have ever seen them.
I once had some threadfin rainbow fish, very small, very peaceful and very very pretty, or you could get some female endlers. :dunno:
You could get some ghost shrimp... they are very cool looking and barely add to the bio-load at all. :thumbs:
i personally wouldn't mix any additional fish with your endlers. i always think smaller tanks work better as a showcase if only one species is present. plus you don't want to push the bioload and risk your prize specimens!

african dwarf frogs only get about 1.5 inches long and are almost never reported to eat fish (i'd say 99% fish-safe). there's a great topic pinned here.

the other suggestion of ghost shrimp also bears merit of investigation. since endlers are a nice peaceful shrimp, you might even splurge and get some Amano Shrimp. ask around in invertabrates and amphibians--that's where all the experts are.
Now now,

The shrimp sound very interesting, not sure i have ever seen any of these little creatures, will have to check to see where i could get some. what do they live off? i will voice my questions in the invertebrate section.

I think at the end of the day you are right that i shouldnt put any more fish in there, i kind of agree, i think even if i put another species in there it would be out classed by the Endlers. Hence the reason that i was looking for something interesting and different.

You know i once tried putting a rainbow fish with some guppies and it was so quick moving it stressed them all out and i ended up losing most of them, the little bugger! anyway i dont think anyone could convince me to get another rainbow fish even if it was a slow moving one.

Thanks for all of your help, i dont think i will be getting anything in there for at least another week or so, so if anyone has any other suggestions i will keep checking this page to see what comes up. I like the shrimp idea, and i like the frog idea, but i will have to investigate further.

I'm not entirely sure about compatibility, but maybe a pair of killi's? If not, I'd add a bunch of java moss and 4/5 females (since there are already 8 males there'd be a lot of harassment on the females). Alternatively, ensure excellent filtration, more frequent water changes, and add 8 females (still significant harassment though, so if you're going to get any females, make sure you get a load of plants/java moss).

Could always get some otocinclus'. They're interesting. What part of London are you in?
While it would be a good idea to add females, Endler females are extremely hard to find. Most ones you find are Guppies, and you don't want Guppies and Endlers breeding, as most people want to keep the Endler strain pure.

I personally think 16 Endlers and all those snails are going to overstock the tank anyway. Snails are messy. He should probably either keep the Endlers he has now, or maybe get 2-3 more males and that's it. Or Ghost Shrimp, or an ADF.
What about cherry shrimp or bumblebee shrimp? They'll probably be harder to find than the ghost or amano shrimp, but they are worth it. The bumblebee shrimp are so neat....yellow and black stripes...just like having bees in the tank. :D And the cherry shrimp are also very pretty....speckled red shrimp.
yeah, bublebee shrimp, i have been looking at them.

Just have to find somewhere in London that sells them

Thanks for your help

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