Platys wont breed!


Fish Addict
Mar 1, 2005
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My platys just dont seem to have any fry ever! I have 2 males and 4 females in there and nothing.
Is there something that can be done to get them to mate?
Thanks :)
Well first off, how many fish in your tank and how big is it? What kinds are in it?
Because I had some guppies and danios, and the guppies stopped breeding fpr a long time. They were also getting skinny and I was afraid they had parasites. But as soon as I rehomed them they started to get fatter, and one is pregnant already! So it could just be stress, depending.
Are you sure they are not having fry or are they getting eaten by other tank mates?

Do a water change and check the water quality to see if there is a problem, also what temperature is the tank at because they like the water a little warmer to breed.
The temp is about 80 F.
In the tank currently is 6 platies (2 male, 4 female) 1 guppy male, 2 guppy fry, 1 female molly and ADF and a pleco.
Any suggestions?
If that is you 10gal it may be a bit crowded or the fry are being eaten before you see them. I take it ADF is African Dwarf Frog? I have heard that fry have no chance with one of them around!
African Dwarf Frog? i thought those things would also attack bettas. how can u keep it in there?!
I dont have a ADF in with my bettas. See my signature :)

Maybe the ADF is eating the fry, I dont know. Its just fustrating because I really want to have little fry swimming around :wub:

Yes its the 10 gallon tank and I know it may be abit over crowed but I do weekly water changes to help with that factor. Everyone seems to be fine and water paraminters are good too :nod:
The ADF is probably eating fry, along with the Platies, and Molly, and maybe the Guppies. I can't imagine any fry could live through being chased by all those fish. :p And they don't have a huge amount of room to get away. If you want fry, you might have to seperate the female. :)
Keep a close eye on your female platys gravid patch and belly size to see if they are actually getting pregnant, if they remain the same size for 4-6 weeks then they are not breeding, otherwise the fry are getting eaten.
and another help ful thing to do is if u wanta keep the fry is when ur female looks like she's about to burst, set up a breeder trap in that tank and put her in there. instant safe fry. after a few weeks u can set the free. (in thte tank, not the wild)
Thank you everyone for the advice :) I think I have another problem now... White stringy poop :crazy: I am going to make a new post for that :sly:
The only thing with Breeder nets, is sometimes they can stress the mother out and make her abort the fry, or stress her out and make her have birthing complictions. Also, when you put the mother in the breeder net, and she has fry, there is a much bigger chance of the fry being eaten, because it's a smaller, inclosed space, so she can get to them easier. Other then that, it's a good idea. Just a few things to be aware of. :)
yes, but there is this thing i found in a doctors fostersmith magazine, i'll try to find it on the site. i would enter the item number in right now, but the magazine is in my dad's car and he's at work, but he'll be home within the next half hour.

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