

New Member
Jul 6, 2005
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I have a question. I am fairly familiar and have been raising a community tank with cardinals, tetras, rummy nose with a pleco and a corry that hang out. We recently removed some Hatchets because they were too aggressive with our other fish.

We were looking for fish that might be compatible with our tetras and who favor mid-upper part of the tank. We (the wife and I) have read in several places that mollies, platys or guppies favor that area and we have gotten conflicting advice on if any of those would be compatible with a tetra tank.

Any recommendations on either guppies, mollies or platys? The unfortunate thing is our LFS will give us contradictory advice depending on the worker we talk to so we are seeking other input :)
oh, I am sorry.

The tank has cardinals, neon tetras, rummy noses, a corry and a pleco named "Gimpy"
They should be fine, some fish will tend to nip at guppies tails (males mostly) because they are so colourful, so I'd say that if you're unsure then stick with platys or mollies, or maybe female guppies.
Female guppies are not a bad idea. They tend to get overlooked because the males are so colourful, but if you look at them in their own right, they are beautiful fish and they have some of the nicest characters of any fish I know. They are often hardier than the males, because they're not having to drag around that great enormous tail. They are also often faster swimmers than the males and would find it easier to get out of trouble.
O have two types of tetras with ome guppies. The guppies scare the little carinals to much for them to nip- even my elegant snakeskin. So yes, I hink guppies or pltys would be great.

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