HI from another Newbie


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2005
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:D HI everyone. :alien: I am getting a tank very soon which my partner has arranged to buy and I JUST CANT WAIT. :) But I am making good use of the time by reading up on as much as I can.
Phew - it seems really involved - setting up the tank and having to wait to get fish. I used to keep fish many years ago and so many of them died - now I realise why :/ .
My tank is 3 foot long, but I am not sure of how deep/wide but I expect I will eventually be able to keep quite a few fish and a,m looking forward to making a healthy and attractive environment for them.
BFN I am sure I will have loads of questions soon.
hi and :hi: to the forum!
good luck with your tank, what sort of fish are you putting in there?
:hi: to the forum.
What type of fish are you thinking about getting?
When you set up a new tank it is a good idea to add something like 'bacterlife', this contains some 'good bacteria' which will help to break down the fish waste and helps prevent many new tank deaths. ;)
Hi everyone - wow what a friendly forum- great to be here. :D
I thought I had posted a repy but must have forgotten to hit the post button!!

I am not going to be too ambitious at first so will start off with some really hardy fish til the tank has got in good condition. Any suggestions welcome for cheap and cheerful addition to start me off. I thought of a couple of guppies and platy's??

I want to have a friendly community tank with no aggressive fish, at least until I get more experienced.

I will have to wait a while though as we have well water here (no mains) and our well is dry as a bone - its been the driest winter since records began here in Wales. We are sinking a bore hole soon if all goes to plan and the water will be completely different from what we would normally have. We are collecting water from friends and catching every drop of roof water when it does rain, so the water we have just now is very varied!! So I think its best to wait rather than start off a tank with our "collected" water, Anyway to collect and carry 60 gallons is quite a feat. I just hope the bore hole people can fit us in soon.

Great to get to know you all thanks for the advice so far. :cool:
60gal!!! WOW.....that's a BIG tank!!! I'm from Wales too, Pembrokeshire, where in Wales are you?
Platys and guppies are great fish (that's what I've got), if you are going to have males and females though you will need at least two or three females (of each) for every male. They will breed very easily and sometimes the males can harass the females hence the need for more females than males.
Which other fish are you interested in?

OOOOooooh, pretty guppies.

HI, I live in far West Carms but on the Pembrokeshire border, :) near Crymych, where abouts are you Draid? Are there any clubs in the area, do you know?

RE: 60 gallons - Maybe I have done the conversion wrong - the tank is 3 foot long but I am not sure how high or wide yet as I still haven't got it , so i guessed the hight and width and it came out at 60galls.!!

I also have my original tank a small one, and cant decide what to do with that - maybe keep it in case any of them breed so I can keep them seperate? Or maybe, once my main tank is set up my son may get interested and then he can get into it to.

I do like the idea of having a few different varieties of pretty shoaling fish darting about, and also like the pearl gouramis.
I am gonna post some questions on another part of the forum.
Thanks guys :flowers:
Hi shiftingsands, I'm from Fishguard, not very far from Crymych, I don't know where your nearest club is though.
I think your tank will probably work out at 30ish gallons if it's 3ft.
You may be ably to raise some baby fry in your small tank. It's very rewarding.

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