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  1. J

    How To Package Coral Frags

    They need to be bagged with sufficient oxygen in the bagthen double bagged, put in an insulated box with something like newspaper or bubble wrap and a heat pack. I think this is correct as this is how i have received them in the past?
  2. J

    Leather Corals

    I've had quite a few leathers before and noticed they can sulk but i have never had one so big, it is an absolute monster. I just wondered if it could upset ther balance of the tank? P.S here is a picture when i first put it in, its hard to see its size but i bet its not far off 18" diameter!
  3. J

    Leather Corals

    Hi All, Thanks for the replys, I returned late last night after the football to find the polyps half out and it once again shedding its mucus/membrane? The leather is so big that the stuff covers everything! My only concern was that there could be a problem as both leathers are doing this at...
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    Leather Corals

    Hi, Strange thing is happening in my tank at the moment, I have introduced a very very large leather which at first expanding all its polyps and looked great but after a week it started not expanding and at the same time my small leather also did the same. First impresions was the water...
  5. J


    My two clowns are weird as well! One hosts in a Crispa Anemone and the other lives next door to it in my frogspawn, now and then they even swap for a bit.
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    What Is This Little Critter I Have Found In The Tank?

    It is a Bristleworm but there is a special name for this type, it is something to do with the bristleworm breeding but its pretty hard to explain. I have seen them before they can swim in open water very fast. I have a book somewhere that has a article about them so will try and dig it out and...
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    Tridacna Deresa

    Hi, they photosynthesize and contain algae i think? so they will mainly need strong lighting with the occasional bit of brine shrimp or cyclops.
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    Emperor Angelfish

    It could be a sudden change in salt levels, a problem fish which is attacking the corals or it may be the lighting is not adequate?
  9. J


    I would stay clear if i were you mate :good: To keep Anemones long term you need a very mature tank, excellent water quality, very strong lighting and alot of experience. I know of loads of people who buy Anemones only for them to bleach and die within 3 months, I have kept Crispas, Malus and...
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    Emperor Angelfish

    Hi, I have a thread going about the problems I encountered with my emperor under the title 'elegance coral' from the title you may work out that my emperor ate my elegance coral then moved on to a full zoanthid colony, a open brain coral, torch coral and finally had a go at my carpet anemone. I...
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    New Lionfish

    I'm a little confused now :unsure: To Clarify is D. biocellatus commonly known as the Twospot turkeyfish, Twinspot lionfish, or Fu Manchu Lionfish? and this is what i do not have? D. brachypterus is the shortfin turkeyfish, dwarf lionfish or Fuzzy Lionfish? and this is what i have? If i...
  12. J

    New Lionfish

    You have got me wondering if i do have a fuzzy now Lynden? It certainly looks like one but is not active at all throughout the day. It is visible however just not active, as soon as the aquarium lights go off it ventures straight off its favourite rock and searches the tank for food. Do you...
  13. J

    New Lionfish

    The Volitan as you say is the most beautiful of the lot, but does get a little too big. I think the only draw back with the fuzzy is that it seems to be totally nocturnal. HAve you had a look at the Fumanchu Lionfish? they get larger than the fuzzy but not as big as the Volitan.
  14. J

    New Lionfish

    Hi Trod, you are spot on with Dendrochirus brachypterus which is also known as the Shortfin Lionfish, Dwarf Lionfish and Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish. The one in the link you posted has the red base colour which looks awesome, i also did a google image search and you wouldn't beleive some of the weird...
  15. J

    New Lionfish

    Cost me £25 which is reasonable i think? I agree that he is a fuzzy lion as i had a look through my books last night to double check, the banding on the body gives it away. The Fumanchu Lionfish is similar apart from it has large whiskers that extend from the jaw.
  16. J

    New Lionfish

    Got a few more pictures but very poor quality, the only time i can get a full body shot of hims is after the lights have gone out and he will then start to prowl on the front of the tank. Used some live river shrimp last night and he was eating very well, they really stimulated him but frozen...
  17. J

    New Lionfish

    Got some pictures but they arn't brilliant. He was hiding under the leather.
  18. J

    New Lionfish

    I got it from a shop in a place called Knaresborough (i think) i was just passing through and spotted the shop. The lion is currently in my 400 litre reef tank and if it is a dwarf i think i will keep it in this tank but it if does get large i will change my 150 gallon arowana tank to a marine...
  19. J

    New Lionfish

    Got a new lionfish for the tank on saturday, it was advertised as a clearfin lion but i know for certain it isn't. I am struggling to determine the correct type though, i think it may be a dwarf zebra or possibly a fuzzy but it is quite small at the moment (2") so quite hard to tell. It could...
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    Elegance Coral

    Cheers Ally, but i have tried this method too :good: . the fish never came back out of the rock work even with baiting the net and tank for hours :good: Dynamite! might give it ago, which LFS will sell me some :lol: . It does look like the rock may have to come out but i'm just a bit bothered...
  21. J

    Elegance Coral

    Just an update on the fish catching! - "its not going well"! I now have a full family of Zoanthids that have totally dissapeared and i think the emperor may have turned its attention to my torch coral. I have tried the aqua medic fish trap but have so far caught the box fish 4-5 times and the...
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    Green Bubble Tip Anemone

    I think it does happen as i have two percs hosting in my crispa, but when i had my elegance coral the male perc sometimes semi-hosted in it. This may have been due to a bit of falling out between the two though.
  23. J

    Green Bubble Tip Anemone

    It is possible fr a maroon to host in a frogspawn given a bit of time and with no other available host, but there is a chance that the clown could damage the coral. An anemone would be the better choice as they form a symbolic relationship with a clown. Bubble tips are the easiest to keep given...
  24. J

    Elegance Coral

    Cheers Ski! Its funny you should mention that method because i have been fly fishing with my friends many times and said if we do not catch anything then we would go back and fish in my tank :lol: I guess this time it may come true, the only problem i can see is hooking the correct fish as i...
  25. J

    Green Bubble Tip Anemone

    Yeh it should do, but there is a chance with any clown that they will not host in any type of Anemone. I have never known a maroon not host though and i think that they are the most willing to host if i remenber correctly. :good:
  26. J

    Elegance Coral

    Catching the Emperor is going to be harder than i thought! The minute the net goes in it dashes into the rock, i have tried feeding it with all sorts but its just too cautious. I have around 90Kg of rock and quite alot of corals so i don't really wan to start removing anything. I did think...
  27. J

    Elegance Coral

    Well i have found the culprit for the loss of the Elegance! Yesterday i bought a Trachyphyllia and put it in my tank at lunchtime, it looked awesome under the blue lighting and everthing appeared fine when i left for work. When i arrived home i noticed that it was out of the sand and had...
  28. J

    The Berlin Method Of Filtration...

    Does the Berlin method mean that there is also no sump used? My 400ltr has 90Kg of live rock with no filter or sump so i guess i use this method too! i never knew there was a term used for this - i guess you learn something every day on here :good:
  29. J

    Dawn On The Reef

    your tank looks fantastic :good: I wish i could aquascape like that. I always seem to have problems with placement of new corals, guess its due to not aquascaping my live rock correctly. Also i notice the sun coral you have, do you have much look with them? i have had one for about 3 months...
  30. J

    Staffie/boxer Pup Wanted

    The staffordshire bull terrier is only one of two dogs that are listed as affectionate to children by the kennel club and this is from the people that really know what they are on about. I have a two year old female staffordshire and a 14 month old daughter and they are totally inseperable...
  31. J

    Pretty Sure I Am Overstocked?

    If i can remember correctly, i think it is one fish per seven gallons and of course using a bit of commen sense with certain large fish. I think you will be ok with what you have unless you are wanting new fish in which you would then have to get rid of a couple.
  32. J

    Mega-powerful Nitrate And Phosphate Remover Replaces Skimmer, Refugium

    Having read most of the posts now (which took a while :rolleyes: ) i am coming round to the idea of this, i have a couple of questions though. Would this method not be more expensive than buying? or is the main reason for this to have a better way of improving water quality? Also i do not have...
  33. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    Well i take it you both agree that commenting on a persons writing skills are perfectly acceptable, in my eyes this is not so, and therfore i am free to use the same underhand tactics.
  34. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    Jesus Christ! You nearly wrote your own book with your last post. Another sign that you have too much time on your hands. I could really laugh at you all day, had quite a few PM's all in agreement at what an absolute idiot you are. You still seem to be missing the point here though? I said that...
  35. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    You can quote 'scientifically resourced' all you want but i couldn't really give a #### :hyper: The fact that you spend all your time reading scientifically resourced Literature is quite sad and i think you may have too much time on your hands. But if you do want to get all scientific then the...
  36. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    I love how forums like these get muppits like you who think they know it all from looking at a fish tank :shout: Simply google Taeniura lymma and nearly every website will show their max size, even the deep at hull have one larger than 30cm. I keep fish because i dive and see them all - not...
  37. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    I have just been speaking to a friend of mine who also is an experienced diver, i mentioned 30cm and he just laughed? the size Taeniura lymma can be anything up to 1 meter in disk diameter, i knew my memory was not failing.
  38. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    Nearly ever spotted ray i have seen in the red sea must have been fully grown then as it seemed to be that their disks were over 30cm, a rectic rays disk will not usually get so large but they have a much longer tail than a blue spot giving them their noted size. The ones i have seen were said...
  39. J

    Need Help Fast

    Boxfish do struggle with powerheads as they are not the greatest swimmers in the world. I have two powerheads running in my tank but both have the intakes hidden between some live rock. A 2cm boxfish will really struggle with the currents but they do grow very quickly, mine is reaching 3.5" now...
  40. J

    Blue Spotted Ray

    I am not currently interested in keeping marine rays, just interested in regards to their mortality rate and specific requirments. I do ok with my freshwater recticulater rays but they too are very demading so i guess i could times this by ten and then get somewhere close to marine rays. I think...