Emperor Angelfish


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2009
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can anyone answer these questions below

how easy is it to keep an emperor angel

how old should the aquarium be before adding one of these

will they be ok with soft corals

and what is the minimum aquarium size for one adult

thanks scott
They get to 15" need at the very minimum 100 gallons. Near enough all big angels are coral munchers in captivity.
If i remembers right you already had a pretty heavy fish stock anyway with at least one angel. I would pass on this one myself. Especially if you want to go full on reef.
hi ben

i have a fish only aquarium just with live rock that has been set up for 4 months with nothing in it just trying to build up the live rock what if i put all my corals in that and turn that into the reef aquarium and the other aquarium put the emperor in that aquarium and bulid that aquarium from there do you think that would work

thanks scott

Imperators are found exclusively associated with coral reefs in the wild, in shallow to one hundred feet depths.


Good water quality must be optimized and constant. use a good quality salt mix, at a 1.022-1.025 specific gravity and maintain pH in the higher range, 8.2-8.4. A protein skimmer is a must.

Angels are sensitive to "new tank syndromes". Place them in systems that have been seasoned for a few months.

Very important to the group of angelfishes is vigorous circulation and removal of metabolites.


Even in captivity emperors seek out/prefer the comfort of shelter from boulders, caves and coral niches. They will do well only where offered the possibility of retreat.

Size of aquaria? The bigger the better. I would not even start an emperor in a system of less than four hundred liters (roughly 105 usg). Ultimately, you will need one twice plus this size.

Behavior: Territoriality

Emperor angels are considered amongst the larger members of their family, able to reach some forty centimeters. Like most species in their and related genera, they do best kept singly and not with other angel species of a similar size.


Place in a non-occupied or re-disturbed system in subdued lighting and leave some indirect light on for a day. Make favored foods available a few times a day at first.

Predator/Prey Relations

May be readily eaten by typical predaceous types. Beware of Billy Grouper, Eli the Eel, Larry the Langusto and Porky-boy the Puffer...

Feeding/Foods/Nutrition: Types, Frequency, Amount, Wastes

Similar to members of the genus Holacanthus, emperors and other Pomacanthus are known consumers of a large amount of sponge (phylum Porifera) material, then algae, other animal material and vascular plants in the wild. Will you go broke buying live sponges or specialty frozen foods made of the same? Nah. In captivity they can/usually will adapt/adopt to prepared frozen, fresh and dry foods.

Hi, I have a thread going about the problems I encountered with my emperor under the title 'elegance coral' from the title you may work out that my emperor ate my elegance coral then moved on to a full zoanthid colony, a open brain coral, torch coral and finally had a go at my carpet anemone. I knew the risks but under estimated just how destructive they can be. I had it for over six months and even put sponges in for it. In the end I had to empty a fully stocked 400 litre reef tank to get it out!
they still remain one of my top fish but unless very experienced with reef stocking I would stay clear
I know two reefkeepers who were/are able to keep an emperor angel in a reef tank without it munching on corals. One has 20+ experience in the saltwater hobby, is retired, and spends most of his day with his tank or with other reefkeeping related items. The other has about 15 years of experience, and is similarly retired.

I know or have read about at least fifty reefkeepers who have tried an Emperor angelfish only to have it ultimately turn on their corals...

Take that for what it's worth

today i tranceferd most of my corals in to the 6 ft aqaurium and put all the fish in the aquarium apart from the flagfin and the flame angel and i am going to see how they get on in that tank for now i did lose another 3 heads from my torch coral my elegance coral isnt looking good and the duncan hasent opened up from last night

what could couse this

water is looking great

ph 8.2
nitrite 0
ammonia 0
nitrate 10

calcium 430
phosphates 0
mg 1100 seems to get lower and lower why is this
It could be a sudden change in salt levels, a problem fish which is attacking the corals or it may be the lighting is not adequate?
Coral problems are likely that they don't like thier new light/flow characteristics in the new tank. If they continue to sulk, try moving them around

the the coral are all looking good today but i am looking for good quality live rock what websites do you know for live rock
Can't help ya there. Might be worth starting a new thread in the chit chat section, or just breaking out the search engine. I'm sure it's been answered before :)

got my emperor angel and regal angel today there both in quarntien and the flagfins going back to lfs.

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