

Fish Fanatic
Jun 11, 2008
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so i have two true percs mated, in my tank and the little guy always hangs out near the top and the other one hangs out near the bottom kinda on the edge of the side glass pointing down. When i come over there to check out the tank, the come streight twards me and act completly fine. Than when i go away they go back to their same spot. Normal ?
Mine do something similar sometimes. Not up-side down though lol.

its almost like one of mine hosts the right angle in the corner of the tank
ya mine does, kinda weird but he is totaly healthy and swims everywhere if he isn't ha
Yeah i would say mine hover around their spot sort of 20% of the time. Think they are just sort of hosting that spot.
My two clowns are weird as well! One hosts in a Crispa Anemone and the other lives next door to it in my frogspawn, now and then they even swap for a bit.
For scstone12

If the fish don’t have anywhere to live (ie: a coral or anemone) they will often act weird and sleep in different parts of the tank. If you have an anemone or long tentacled coral (torch, elegant, etc) in the tank and one is living in that and the other is hiding at the top, then they are probably both females and one is dominating the other.
Normally a healthy happy established pr will spend all their time together and stay within 6inches of each other.

For Jonny967

If the crispa anemone is only small then the clownfish will use that and any other nearby coral to live in. As the anemone grows they should be able to fit in it and then they will start to sleep/ live next to each other.

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