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  1. Dazzlearoobob

    Backgound Oppinion's Please

    I agree with the young one. Black is way more natural but the yellow makes the tank easier to view.It's a totally personal thing though.
  2. Dazzlearoobob

    Stressful For Fish?

    Is cleaning my tank stressful for my fish? Yesterday I did a 50% w/c and vacuumed the gravel. It just got me thinking how stressful it must be for the little buggers. I also changed the display of my tank and was in there for about 20 mins. I know it's a necessary evil but does anyonehave any...
  3. Dazzlearoobob

    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?

    I feed once a day every day lately. Use to staveevery weekend cos I was out of town but have since got an automatic feeder for these days. I feed flakes to my gourami and tetras and sinking wafers for my cory. The assasin snails look after themselves with a choice of about 60 other snails in my...
  4. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    Thanks a million Salty. I also bought a trap and when I got up this morning there were about 15-20 snails in it so I think with a combination of the assasins and the trap I should bring it under control and then the assasins can control the population after that. Cheers for your help, Darren
  5. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    They are either pond or pouch snails from looking at google images.
  6. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    I think they are gilled snails. Not too sure though. D
  7. Dazzlearoobob

    Tears In Heaven...

    so sorry to hear you lost your favourite fish. I absolutely adore puffers so can imagine how you felt. Hope you're over it now? Did your parents surprise you with a new addition??????LOL
  8. Dazzlearoobob

    New Tank - Aqua One Regency 120

    Tank looks amazing. Thanks for such an indepth log of your cycling ups and downs. It really helped me. D
  9. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    Hey all, Have just introduced 3 assasins into my tank to deal with a snail explosion. They were introduced last night but didn't seem to take much notice of the other snails. Is this normal? Do they need time to adjust to their new surroundings before getting down to business????? Darren
  10. Dazzlearoobob

    My Tank. What You Think?

    Here's a photo of my 63L tank. Any comments? I'm only newish to this whole fishkeeping malark and need some praise.LOL
  11. mytank.jpg


  12. Dazzlearoobob

    Away For The Weekend

    Hey, Igo away every weekend and leave my babies. I use an automatic feeder now but they use to be fine before I got that. I use to leave them for up to 4 days and they would still be fine. I ended up getting a feeder cos it was happening to frequently that I would not be around and I thought it...
  13. Dazzlearoobob


    OK. So just getting arounf to a water test now and the readings are as follow: PH still 6.0 Ammonia .25ppm Nitrites 0ppm Nitrates 20ppm Still worried about the PH levels and the ammonia spike. Any more suggestions? D
  14. Dazzlearoobob


    Fish have been in there for about 3 months and the tank is the same ornament wise since January. The only thing I added in April was a colosseum I bought in the states. I'm at a loss.
  15. Dazzlearoobob


    Not quite cycled propery :blush: Have the tank about 6 months now and the fish all seem fine. Would it not be cycled now?????? Sorry if thats a stupid question.
  16. Dazzlearoobob


    Tank is stocked with 2 gourami, 6 neon teras and 3 cory. Have black and red stones on the base with a large fish decoration that I bought from my lps. Have only one plant and about a million snails. Could these be causing the issues?
  17. Dazzlearoobob


    Hey, Just got a test kit recently and tested my water yesterday. Everything was fine except the PH was 6.0. EEK!!!! I tested my tap water and got a reading of 7.2 so I know there are no issues with my source water. I performed a 50% water change and have just, after 24 hours, performed more...
  18. Dazzlearoobob

    Anyone Ever Used Asnail Trap?

    Good idea my man. I'll try it tonight. Cheers. D
  19. Dazzlearoobob

    Has Anyone Ever Used

    I have not used this store but have used and found them V. good. Shipping to Ireland was V reasonable as far as I remember. D
  20. Dazzlearoobob

    Anyone Ever Used............

    Not me but if they offer a 24/48 hour arrive alive guarantee they should be ok. D
  21. Dazzlearoobob

    Anyone Ever Used Asnail Trap?

    Have found this snail trap online and am having serious issues with the little buggers. Anyone ever tried these? Any input greatly appreciated. D :blink:|293:1|294:50|293:1|294:50
  22. Dazzlearoobob

    Koi Carp In My 20,000 Imperial Gallon Pond

    That is one amazing pond. Well done. My boyfriend and I have recently built one too but it's alot One day we'll have one as this space. :rolleyes:
  23. Dazzlearoobob

    Betta Breeding?

    Any advice please?
  24. Dazzlearoobob

    Nice Betta

    Wow. That is nice. I like it alot. You should have gotten it D
  25. Dazzlearoobob

    Betta Breeding?

    Had an unsuccessful attempt at breeding 2 betta about 5 days ago and was wondering if I've left enough time before re-introducing the female? I'm more ready this time for a
  26. Dazzlearoobob

    Best Boyfriend Or What.

    OMG. You do have the most bestest boyfreind EVER..................LOLOLOLOL
  27. Dazzlearoobob

    Help Reducing Nitrates

    New driftwood and rocks added. Also new fish were added. Ammonia levels at 0ppm, Nitrate at 50 ppm and Nitrite levels at 0ppm.
  28. Dazzlearoobob

    Help Reducing Nitrates

    Ammonia and Nitrite levels are within tolerable levels but Nitrate levels are through the roof. Can anyone recommend a quick way to bring these within tolerable levels? Is a 40-50% water change the best bet? D
  29. Dazzlearoobob

    Quick Question Re. Measurement

    Site looks so much better. well done. Darren
  30. Dazzlearoobob

    Quick Question Re. Measurement

    generally people in the UK use degrees C and people in the US use degrees F. D Just some comments on your site. The colours you've chosen don't work well together. Check the website below for colours that work best together. Hope you don't mind this input. I know I'd prefer to be told this for...
  31. Dazzlearoobob

    Automatic Feeders?

    Can anyone tell me if the automatic feeders are a good idea for feeding my fish while away. I am away from home most weekends and want to have more control about how much food they are given cos I think the person who feed them in my absence is over-feeding and it's causing snail numbers to...
  32. Dazzlearoobob

    I Might Be A Convert To Plastic Plants :")

    Had never considered fake plants but will now. D
  33. Dazzlearoobob

    Questions Regarding My New Tank Setup - Feedback Please

    God this tanks looks amazing. I'm so
  34. Dazzlearoobob

    Gourami Changing

    yeah. My two get along fine. I think I have a male and a female. The colour difference was huge when the airstone disconnected. I was so worried. I'm glad that they are ok though cos I have really grown fond of them. When I got them first I was indifferent about them but I really like them now.
  35. Dazzlearoobob

    you know your plants are happy when...

    I would love some plants like this. Well done.
  36. Dazzlearoobob

    You Know Your Addicted When

    I'm only new to this. But I keep logging on to get my answers and am already considering a new tank when I get the money. Think I might be slightly Not that it's a bad thing BTW.....LOL
  37. Dazzlearoobob

    Snail Infestation In 10 Gallon Tank

    I'm gonna try the lettuce tonight. Will advise as to how it goes. D
  38. Dazzlearoobob

    Hardy Plants

    Can anyone recommend a hardy plant for my 64L tank? D
  39. Dazzlearoobob


    I'm sorry to hear this. This is a pain in the A**. Try again and plead your case. You never know. Hope it works. Darren
  40. Dazzlearoobob

    Gender Of Gourami

    Thanks a million, God you know your D