Tank Readings.....help!


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland

Just got a test kit recently and tested my water yesterday. Everything was fine except the PH was 6.0. EEK!!!!

I tested my tap water and got a reading of 7.2 so I know there are no issues with my source water.

I performed a 50% water change and have just, after 24 hours, performed more water tests. Results below. Please advise what I can do to improve the PH. I have no idea what is lowering it. My tank details are in my signature.

PH 6.2
Ammonia 0.25ppm
Nitrites 0ppm
Nitrates 0ppm

Any help is greatly appreciated.

are u sure you got those readsings right? cos if u have, u have a problem..... u fishless cycling by any chance? or stocked?
What substrate are you using and do you have any rock/ornaments?
well ammonia should be 0 if fishes are in =/ but ill see if its fishless first =]

like dorsey said, what substrate ornaments/rocks you got? Co2?
Tank is stocked with 2 gourami, 6 neon teras and 3 cory. Have black and red stones on the base with a large fish decoration that I bought from my lps. Have only one plant and about a million snails. Could these be causing the issues?
Tank is stocked with 2 gourami, 6 neon teras and 3 cory. Have black and red stones on the base with a large fish decoration that I bought from my lps. Have only one plant and about a million snails. Could these be causing the issues?


ammonia should be 0, did you cycle your tank properly? and 0 nitrates is rare =/

might be the stones :blink:
Tank is stocked with 2 gourami, 6 neon teras and 3 cory. Have black and red stones on the base with a large fish decoration that I bought from my lps. Have only one plant and about a million snails. Could these be causing the issues?


ammonia should be 0, did you cycle your tank properly? and 0 nitrates is rare =/

might be the stones :blink:

Not quite cycled propery :blush:

Have the tank about 6 months now and the fish all seem fine.

Would it not be cycled now??????

Sorry if thats a stupid question.
if we knew the readings we could maybe answer that for you :) ( dont worry about not cycling properly, most of us did it like that then searched google for help when we got a problem- here we all are :D )

but something has caused the ammonia to spike- when did u add the fish? snails wont do it, neither will plants
Fish have been in there for about 3 months and the tank is the same ornament wise since January. The only thing I added in April was a colosseum I bought in the states. I'm at a loss.
well if anything that may alter your PH but not add ammonia, have you washed the filter out? in old tank water recently? maybe its a bit clogged
do another water change b4 bed and stest again in the morning :)
will be plenty of fresh advice then for you :)
OK. So just getting arounf to a water test now and the readings are as follow:

PH still 6.0
Ammonia .25ppm
Nitrites 0ppm
Nitrates 20ppm

Still worried about the PH levels and the ammonia spike. Any more suggestions?

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