Nice Betta


Fish Herder
Apr 26, 2009
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I saw this really nice CT betta down at LFS for £5... He was tiny so was quite young and was so active. He was flaring at the betta in he next tank to him lol. I really wanted to get him but mother wouldnt let me :(

I thought you hadn't cycled the tank for him yet? And now your on about getting him? :crazy:
But i didnt have a tank set up so I wouldnt have anywhere to put him. He was flaring so didnt want to put him in with plattys and guppys. And you cant put them with guppys anyways. Though If I could I would of done. They still have some really nice ones.

They have HM and spilt tails and some lovely CT... The plan is Im trying to get my tank set up at my boyfriends as it only a 25ltr and wont take up much room lol... And then i will be able to have one without mother telling me no you cant and yes you can then chaning her mind again.

YoungFisher... This was awhile ago. If I wanted him the pet shop would of held him back for a £10 and thats including fish... So I would have had time to cycle tank and then get him. But mother would even entertain the idea so could anyways.

She wont even like me set up the bloody tank ready for when i go to school for 12 weeks
But in your original post you said your mother wouldnt let you get him? Yet you wanted to..

Now your saying different.
Well at the time... A couple of weeks ago I saw him (He still there though) and I wanted to get him then. Thats what I meant... I wouldnt want to lose a lovely fish to any fish to that matter a stupid thing like a un cycled tank etc...

Sorry i have differcults writing in present and past tense and spelling etc...

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