Search results

  1. Dazzlearoobob

    Albino Cory Died.....

    Hey Wilder, I have checked the water and all is fine. He was bloated when I found him dead but not up to that. His barbels were fine. Looked normal. No red sores or streaking. No paler or darker and was acting fine so not listless or lethargic. Didn't notice that he was leaning to one side.Tank...
  2. Dazzlearoobob

    Albino Cory Died.....

    Hi All, Our Albino Cory died today. Just found him at the bottom of the tank. I was just admiring him today. We've had him the longest and I feel quite gutted. Had him about a year and he had grown quite big. About 3 inches. When I seen him today he seemed fine. Nothing has changed in the tank...
  3. Dazzlearoobob

    Co2 Needed?

    Hi all, We are setting up a 420 litre tank with T5 lights ( 1 natural 54 watt and one blue 54 watt). It's gonna be a showcase in our sitting room so we are gonna plant it heavily. My question is this. Do I need to inject CO2 with these lights to make the plants grow or should they survive...
  4. Dazzlearoobob

    My Fish

    I agree. they are much nicer in groups too.
  5. Dazzlearoobob

    New Tank And Guppies Died

    please go fishlecc cyle. I did not do it at the start and am coming across issues now. 6months down the line.
  6. Dazzlearoobob

    Tank Layout Question

    gut instinct is that this would not work.
  7. Dazzlearoobob

    Fish Died Gutted

    Sorry to hear you lost ur fish.
  8. Dazzlearoobob

    About To Choose My First Tank - Tropical Or Marine.

    tropical for a beginner. marine is expensive.
  9. Dazzlearoobob

    Mature Media Added And Ammonia

    any update on how ur getting on? D
  10. Dazzlearoobob

    High Nitrites..please Help!

    Have you tested your tap water????????
  11. Dazzlearoobob

    2nd Cyle?

    Thanks Cowboy, Tank has been established since January. Never did a fishless cycle. Never even knew what that was back I'll keep doing the water changes and see what happens. I really can't understand why the PH is dropping so much. All I have in their is the fish with a large aquarium...
  12. Dazzlearoobob

    Juwel Internal Filter

    mine does the job. D
  13. Dazzlearoobob

    2nd Cyle?

    any ideas????????????
  14. Dazzlearoobob

    2nd Cyle?

    Am i goig thru a 2nd cycle? My ammonia has been spiking for the last week and I'm now starting to get Nitrites showing on my tests. My ph is very unstable. Changing daily from 6.0(the lowest my test kit goes) to 6.6. I've been doing 15% w/c for the last 4 days. Will all this affect my fishies...
  15. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    They are not messy in the least and I barely ever see mine. They're at the back of the tank. All three of them stuck together. I have no idea what they are
  16. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    Thanks Salty, As always you've come to my You're a fountain of knowledge. What are they doing when grouped together like this? D
  17. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    I've heard that assasins will not breed in an aquarium setting.And if they do it's kind of a miracle.
  18. Dazzlearoobob

    Assasin Snails

    I recently bought 3 assasinsnails to keep my pouch snail population under control but all they ever seem to do is group together and sort of stick to one another? I'm not sure if they're actually eating the pouch snails and just grouping together to digest or whether they're unwell. Please help...
  19. Dazzlearoobob

    Can You Buy Heater Holders?

    That's unusual. I've seen these in most LFS's
  20. Dazzlearoobob

    My Tank

    This looks amazing. What is the large plant in the centre called. Me likes........ D
  21. Dazzlearoobob

    Advise For Cleaning Filters

    Best to clean it every couple of weeks. if it's covered in algae it won't work to it's optimum. I've heard it's a good idea to have a smaller, 2nd filter in there too so you can alternate between cleaning one every week and it ensures you're not doing too much damage to the tank by disturbing...
  22. Dazzlearoobob

    Advise For Cleaning Filters

    I usually just rinse the filter media, (sponges) in tank water and put them back in place. I wouldn't mess around in there too much cos that's where the bulk of your friendly bacteria resides. Hope this helps, D
  23. Dazzlearoobob

    First tank, what you think?

    I really like this. Well done.
  24. Dazzlearoobob

    Got A Tank, Curious On What Fish To Start With.

    stick some albino cory in there with some neon tertas. You have the space so I'd put inaout 12 tertas and about 3 cory mixed with alinos in there as they're my favourite.
  25. Dazzlearoobob

    65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

    Looks well bing bing.
  26. Dazzlearoobob

    Advise For Cleaning Filters

    Cool. Thanks a million.
  27. Dazzlearoobob

    Advise For Cleaning Filters

    Any advise on the best way to clean out my filter without doing too much damage to the good bacteria in there?
  28. Dazzlearoobob

    Has Anyone Ever Seen A Whitespot Parasite?

    You can see it on the fish as this is multiple bacteia grouped together. You would never be able to one solo.
  29. Dazzlearoobob

    Stocking... Am I Under/over Stocked?

    Looks good. Is it cycled?
  30. Dazzlearoobob

    What Fish Is This? Pic Included

    think ur right with kenyi.
  31. Dazzlearoobob

    What Fish?

    What about some more corys? I love the albino cory. They're so easy to keep and cheap too so sounds like they would be perfect for you.
  32. Dazzlearoobob

    Stressful For Fish?

    Any more comments on this?
  33. Dazzlearoobob

    Do I Have To Change It?
  34. Dazzlearoobob

    Good Deal Or No

    That sounds like the bargain of the century. D
  35. Dazzlearoobob

    Stocking... Am I Under/over Stocked?

    The owner of my LFS recently told me that, provided I had an adequate filer system, I could stock my tank with lots of fish. Within reason i guess.
  36. Dazzlearoobob

    Stressful For Fish?

    Really? That is so cool. Never thought of it that way.
  37. Dazzlearoobob

    Guppy Color

    Hope they're not dyed. That would be terrible.
  38. Dazzlearoobob

    Stressful For Fish?

    I agree Curiosity101. My gourami seemfine but the tetra seem to go a it