65l Setup & Stocking With Pics

Yep here's some, the bristlenose doesn't come out much and eventually started eating today but only because i put the pellet right in front of him. Lazy sod!
The barbs seemed to be a bit camera shy. :crazy:

The bristlenose is at bottom left
my plants finally arrived, they had to resend. 5 amazon sword and 5 java fern, hopefully they stand the best chance of surviving.
i want to get some cherry shrimp and was hoping someone could tell me about compatibility with zebra danios, they can be aggressive little critters at times!
oh and it looks like out of my 6 zebra danios ive got 4 (now very fat) females and 1 male for sure, not certain on the last one.

heres updated pic:
thanks. starting to look like 5 females and 1 male.
more tank mate suggestions please!!!
hmm the "females" are no longer fat but no sign of eggs.
anyway, i think its about time i got some more colourful showpiece sort of fish. difficult to know what do go for, i'd quite like to breed something.
suggestions please
well an update for anyone reading. the danios have grown much larger and i still seem to have 5 fat ones, not spotted any eggs/fry so perhaps my conditions arnt quite right.

ive added 2 peppered corys, 2 albino corys and 6 cardinal tetras... all seem to have settled well.

thinking of upgrading my filter to an eheim aquaball 2210 cos my current one needs cleaning every week. can anyone recommend the best internal filter to get?
a pair of cockatoo cichilid, 10 cardinals, 1 bristlenose pleco and cherry shrimp. plant it well and that would be a stunning setup. :good:

The Apistogramma would eat the shrimp, I'm afraid that they aren't a good idea.

It is a great tank and cannot wait to see it set up, but you can put more water in the tank.
so i havnt added anything for a while. current stocking is:

6 zebra danio
5 cardinal tetra (found one dead the other day, not sure how/why)
2 peppered cory
2 albino cory

i cant work out if the zebra danio are spawning or not. one of the females was REALLY fat, then the next day wasnt. its possible all the eggs were eaten but this has happened a few times, i thought i might see some fry by now?! perhaps the corys hoovered them up.

could anyone suggest a pair of fish that are a little larger and more colourful. i used to have swordtails so perhaps i could get another pair. i was also considering gourami. suggestions please!

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