Good Deal Or No


Fish Addict
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
Vancouver WA (US)
Looking through though Craigslist and came across an add with some nice fish for sale:

2 Gold Gouramis (1M,1F) $5 for both
3 Zipper loaches $8 for all three (these really like to have a few friends to play with so they should go together)
1 Albino bristlenose pleco $4 (pretty sure it is a female although not full grown yet)
10 Brilliant Rasboras $10 for all (they are schooling fish so should go together or at least in groups of 5)

I am thinking about the Loaches, BN and Rasbora but am not sure if I should or not. The Loache are what I want most. Would any of these work in 30 with my current stocking?

4 Molly (3 female, 1 male. Male being moved)
1 Honey Gourami
7 Oto
6 Peppered Cory
1 BN Pleco
Already mailed him saying I am interested and that I will pay more if he gets any other offer. Payed 14 bucks for my last BN so this is a steal. Not sure if the Loach will work for me though. My tank is pretty bottom heavy.

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