Stressful For Fish?


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2009
Reaction score
Dublin, Ireland
Is cleaning my tank stressful for my fish?
Yesterday I did a 50% w/c and vacuumed the gravel. It just got me thinking how stressful it must be for the little buggers. I also changed the display of my tank and was in there for about 20 mins. I know it's a necessary evil but does anyonehave any views on this? Orany ideas on how to make it less stressful?
I think it's stressful the first few times, but it's also necessary. To be honest, some of the fish I've had the longest aren't particularly bothered about me messing around in the tank. They just swim around me like I'm part of the decor. And they genuinely take an interest in the syphon if it has a few sand particles in it. It's quite funny watching them repeatedly trying to get at the sand (thinking it's food), just to bump into the plastic.
I think it is stressfull - but not in a bad way.

Any fish that are scared simply move to the furthest part of the tank from where you are working (hence I only do one side at a time so my tetra shoals can flee)

I think it actually gives territorial fish a boost! They get teh chance to defend their territory and then get the satisfaction of having "scared you away" when you move to another section of the tank. I recon this boosts their confidence and can even assist in them looking more macho infront of their girlfriends. - Ever had a fish spawn just after a cleaning session? Mine always do!
like said above,its gotta be done so,they will get used to it.

My rams come and investigate what im doing in the tank,1 of the gold's is braver than the rest and swims around my arm

my tetra's/rasbora's are different,they swim for cover,lol
I think it is stressfull - but not in a bad way.

Any fish that are scared simply move to the furthest part of the tank from where you are working (hence I only do one side at a time so my tetra shoals can flee)

I think it actually gives territorial fish a boost! They get teh chance to defend their territory and then get the satisfaction of having "scared you away" when you move to another section of the tank. I recon this boosts their confidence and can even assist in them looking more macho infront of their girlfriends. - Ever had a fish spawn just after a cleaning session? Mine always do!

My fish don't bother at all now,sure,the neons move out of the road,my angels and gouramis have to be physically moved lol if they're in the road.All of them love to swim in the flow of new water being replaced,and as saz noted,my neons in my smaller tank spawn immediately after a water change,like almost as soon as I've finished putting the new water in.
My lot don't really mind either. The only thing i would suggest is do maybe only a 30% change instead of 50%.

Thats what i do anyway. Oh and try and make the temp as close as possible.
My fish all like to get their water changed and I never thought of it as being something that would be stressful or harmful at all. They become active and appear quite delighted, both when the water level is low and when it's being refilled. When I do my weekly water changes, they are always big ones.

Mine don't care anymore, After about the 3920489238490238490238490 Time, It's just routine to them.

Even my Silver Dollar, the worlds most FINICKY fish, doesn't even care anymore.

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