Search results

  1. F

    Golden Wonder Killie

    try to keep killie the same size, google them and you will get some good info if you need some
  2. F

    Help With Id Of Goby

    Dormitator lebretonis i think not very good at brackish great pic
  3. F


    try to overfilter but watch your current especialy for fancy guppies(current can kill)
  4. F

    Hola! Tank Maintenence

    use snails to eat alge it may tank them a lil bit but if you buy any live plant from your lfs you should get atleast 2 snails. they reproduce fairly quicly but you may find them unsightly(so dont listen to me if you snails) or you could buy a black or gold mystery snail for like $1.50 and...
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    are pike cichlids a cross between a cichlid and a pike? i say no but my friend says yes forgot to add this i got some feeders yesterday and i noticed a VERY big male he was like 1 and a half inches! he looks like a thin swordtail(molly or platy) without the sword but was in with guppies he...
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    What Type Of Corydora Is This?

    i tink its a blackfin
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    Pike Cichilids

    would it be safe to put it in with a redbreasted sunfish(about 3 1\2")and a creekchub (7in)?
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    Shimmy? Stringy White Feces?

    this is the way i find everything out except fishy specifics: google it
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    Male Molly Kills Guppy

    i think that seems a lil obvious if it has killed your male guppy. either the females go or him.
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    Aquatic Shops

    at my lfs i found this guy who works there and he told me all about native fish so now i am a genius. he also charged my friend(i was there) for 25 feeder guppies when he got 58 of them :D he also threw in a free plant(although it was itsy bitsy it will grow!) and when i got my java moss that...
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    Pike Cichilids

    i saw this beautiful pike cichilid (i think) at my lfs but restrained from buying it right away. it was red and i think it had some black spots it was about 5 inches do pike cichilids swalow fish whole like panfish do or do they bite on their prey with their teeth like pike do?(or do they eat...
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    Sexing Platy's

    umm i think your female is prego, how long ago did you gt them? you may have fry soon :D
  13. F


    congmice i love guppies :lol:
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    Little Stunteds

    while i was at my LFS today i saw some turtle food that looked prety small so i thunked to myself "hey what if i fed my fishies some turtle food" i only thought this cause it was small little itsy bitsy flakes and on the front it said"high in protien" am i just plain crazy\stupid\wacko or was...
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    I Forgot To Say Hello....

    'appy christmas 'arry i have never seen a pleco is prety big never seen one get more that 6 inches
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    Angelfish Health Concern

    please for the sake of the guppies(asuming that they are fancy ones) tanke them out the guppies will have their tails nipped by almost everything in your tank and i do think you have overcrowded. are any of your fishs fins nipped?
  17. F

    Ph Levels

    how frequently did u use the ph down? i dont think that ph alome will kill 6 fish, what type of fish were they? whats your ammonia reading? it may be a disease that you have not seen, how often do you do water changes?
  18. F

    Greetings, Fish Lovers

    hello and welcome :hi: happy christmas harry d:D
  19. F

    Little Stunteds

    sorry they are about so big iiiiiiiiiiiii, like 2-3 cm.I think i dont want to take them out and measure them im cause afraid of losing them ????
  20. F

    Little Stunteds

    they are about so big | | even females i dont think that they were inbred cuz mom was a black tail and dad was a red snakeskin i think he died in a week :-( i feed them mixed flake food(like 6 dif. types) and a pea every so often ( like 2 times a week) i do about 20% water...
  21. F

    Little Stunteds

    they almost have full colour now and they are about 6 months i think and like half their regular size they have a 20gal filter and a 15 gal heater that i keep on low to make the temperature just right as soon as i moved them out of the bowl they grew like crazy(live 1cm in a week) now they...
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    Fish Tricks

    I have trained my guppies to go to the top of my tank whenever i lift the lid :D
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    The Passing Of A Special Swordtail

    thats sooooooooo sad! :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( she sounds like such a nice smart fishy:-(
  24. F

    Little Stunteds

    i have 6 beautiful guppies all sectualy mature but im afraid i have stunted their growth!when they were babies i had them in a goldfish bowl(yes, i know that was stupid) for about 3 months, now i have them ina 10 gal in my room. when i got them up there they were just like babies now they are...
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    Guppy Pictures! Part 2.

    love the top one nice pics
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    Does Anyone Know How Long Platys Live?

    id say 1 and a half years, disese may kill them or mabe they will just die young.but you never know if you take good enough care of them then they might live a while longer.
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    Hostile guppy fry

    I am very used to mosquito fish and guppies and I think that the one on the far left in the last pic is a mosquito if one of them is. can you tell us which one is the bully? i am not sure about anyhting cuz the pics are a little bit fuzzy the colourful one is awesome
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    Got My New Babies

    I have been waiting for about 1 1/2 months now and my friends female finaly gave birth. his tank recently got infected with some disease that killed all of his guppies so im glad I got the prego one before the plague . Is there anything specail that i should feed my babies? when should i...
  29. F

    Least Kilifish Any Info

    NO big nono no guppies in with any true killifish they will nip the fins on your cute little guppies until they DIE! please no other fish in with guppies unless it is a very small alge sucker fish thing or you are told by someone that you can put a certain type of fish in there with them. *if...