Little Stunteds


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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north carolina(USA)
i have 6 beautiful guppies all sectualy mature but im afraid i have stunted their growth!when they were babies i had them in a goldfish bowl(yes, i know that was stupid) for about 3 months, now i have them ina 10 gal in my room. when i got them up there they were just like babies now they are about half gown after about 4 months.
now they are almost not growing. have i stunted their growth?
Most likely they do have stunted growth, gold fish bowls aern't good for any fish apart from bettas unfortunatly, does your new 10gal have suitable heating and filtration?
You may have.

How big are they now? And how old?

Because Guppies can become sexually mature at about 3 months, yet they continue growing for a while after that, getting their markings and fins and such.
they almost have full colour now and they are about 6 months i think and like half their regular size
they have a 20gal filter and a 15 gal heater that i keep on low to make the temperature just right
as soon as i moved them out of the bowl they grew like crazy(live 1cm in a week) now they almost arnt growing
Some Guppies are just smaller because of inbreeding. I've had some small Guppies come out of larger parents. Exactly how big are they? They may be full grown for their size, or they could be stunted...if they are, not much you can really do now except take good care of them. What foods are you feeding?
they are about so big | | even females i dont think that they were inbred cuz mom was a black tail and dad was a red snakeskin i think he died in a week :-( i feed them mixed flake food(like 6 dif. types) and a pea every so often ( like 2 times a week) i do about 20% water changes every other week (read it in a book called Guppies Today).
You must have different settings then me on your computer, because that looks about 1cm wide to me, and they cannot be that tiny. :blink: Black is a pretty inbred color though, and fancy reds are inbred too. It may have had something to do with it.

Try feeding some kind of frozen/live food, it's just healthier for them and it may make them grow some. :)
sorry they are about so big iiiiiiiiiiiii, like 2-3 cm.I think i dont want to take them out and measure them im cause afraid of losing them ????
2-3cm? That's really small. I think they probably are stunted. There's no need to take them out of the tank to measure them, you can just guesstimate. :) I'd say try some high-protein foods, but there's probably not much you can do.
while i was at my LFS today i saw some turtle food that looked prety small so i thunked to myself "hey what if i fed my fishies some turtle food" i only thought this cause it was small little itsy bitsy flakes and on the front it said"high in protien" am i just plain crazy\stupid\wacko or was actualy feeding it to my guppies a good idea

(I am prety cheep so any non-expensive ideas for food would reely be apreciated)
I'd stick to fish food. I don't know exactly what's in turtle food, but it may not be digestible for fish. I wouldn't risk it.

Try to get some frozen food. I think a pack is about $4-5, and that will last you easily over a month.
I'd stick to fish food. I don't know exactly what's in turtle food, but it may not be digestible for fish. I wouldn't risk it.

Try to get some frozen food. I think a pack is about $4-5, and that will last you easily over a month.

Yea, I got tons of frozen brine for like $4. It's been a month, and I haven't used even half of it yet.

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