Ph Levels


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
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I have had 6 fish die over the last 3 months as Ph levels are high.

Now have :

3 Clown barbs
2 plattys
2 plectos

I clean the 40 gallon tank out weekly and I've been using ph Down but the levels are still high.

Why is this and what do I need to do to rectify ?

how frequently did u use the ph down? i dont think that ph alome will kill 6 fish, what type of fish were they? whats your ammonia reading? it may be a disease that you have not seen, how often do you do water changes?
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

The problem most likely isn't that the pH is high, it's that it is in constant swing because of the chemicals you are using. Most all fish (except for very delicate types like discus) can adjust to a wide range of pH as long as it is constant. Stop using the chemicals and the fish will do much better. Also, the answers to liveisme's questions will help too.

PM a mod and have them move this to either the Chit Chat or Emergency section and you will get more replys.

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