The Passing Of A Special Swordtail


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
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Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
It is with great sadness that I report the passing of my oldest and certainly one of my most favorite swordtails. Meri, my marigold wag female has gone to fishie heaven. She was one of the most fascinating swordtails I've ever known and I was fortunate to have had her in my life and tanks. As a youngster she was one of two survivors of a devasting outbreak of columnaris that killed 20 out of 22 of my swordies. She rarely produced any babies of her own but was always the guardian of young fry, fry seemed to sense they were safe as long as they stayed close to her. She quietly ruled each and every tank that she was ever in, she tolerated absolutely no squabbling in her presence and was well known to jump between bickering males and start flashing until they became so intimidated they'd go their seperate ways. She was also the tank nursemaid. Whenever another fish was ill or about to give birth, Meri would stand guard above them and not allow any other fishes to harrass them. She was truly amazing in this manner. She was a quiet, dignified swordtail who rarely played or acted silly. Although for freeze dried tubifex worms and peas she was known to act somewhat less than dignified.

I'm not certain what caused her death, she simply became emaciated over a 3 day period and quietly passed. No one else in the tank has shown any symptoms of anything being wrong.

Meri was with me for close to 3 years and shall be greatly missed. :(
Thanks Angry_Platy. She only had fry 3 or 4 times and only about 5 or 6 each time. Unfortunately, I didn't keep any of her babies as they were always an odd washed out shade of orange that wasn't very attractive. By the time Donovan the marigold wag hi fin male came along she had stopped producing altogether. I'm keeping my eyes open for another lemon yellow wag female though, I miss that spot of bright yellow in the tank.

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