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  1. F


    if i were to get any pleco what would be one that would fit in a 10 gal? are they snail eaters? are they better alge eaters than snails? would they eat my guppies tails if i put them in the same tank?
  2. F

    Algae Shrimp

    i cant link to another forum but the forums where shrimps are pets the moderator of that forums ordered a few of these blue shrimps in an attempt to breed em, but the offspring came out as ordinary neocardinia sp. the wild kind, brownish color. i know what happened! i ahd a regular crayfish from...
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    Fixing Cracked Glass

    idk but i think that you could use reguler silicon on the outside, or put a nice piece of duct tape over it :D
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    List Of All Livebearers?

    pike livebearer :D
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    Brine Shrimp

    my lfs said that brine shrimp were for saltwater fish only. is this true? could i feed them to my guppies? if I could can some1 post some info on colturing them? any help is very apreciated
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    Wats Wrong Wit My Guppie

    take her out of the box she is definatly stressed but not cuz of the black i think that could be stess but not sure. if you are scared that the fry will get eaten, shove all of your plants into that tank, when you see a baby take the parents out, remove all of the plants and get those babies...
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    Snail Problem

    i have a serious problem with those regular snails that come with the plants you buy from your lfs. i used to want them to eat alge but now this is getting out of hand! i have billions in my 10 gal fry tank(guppies) and i need a safe way of gettind rid of these guys without geting another fish...
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    how many hours of direct light is medium light?, low?, high? will java moss grow beter in sand or gravel? will it grow beter in only sunlight from 1 window shining at it 10 hours a day or a direct light 10 hours a day?
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    Guppy Heavily Pregnant Have No Baby Food

    or you could take the filter from a tank swish it around gently in the fry tank and abunch of little specks will come flying off
  10. F

    Help Livebearers Gone Mad!

    dont take out the fry it is that simple, as for the other fry, set up a new tank, use water from a local stream, catch a sunfish from that stream drop all of your fry into the tank and sit back and watch the sunfish go!(if you dont have the heart to do this, i dont know what you can do besides...
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    Java Moss

    i didnt know it was possible for there to be too much light for java moss, so if i put some in my friends pond it would die back in the summer cuz the pund gets fairly hot and gets about 13 hours of sun? all of my other plants are growing rapidly so it dosnt make any sense, the lights are not...
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    Buying Riccia

    aquabid, it has alot of stuffrelating to aquarims including fish and plants but the prices are usualy high and same with the shiping
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    Java Moss

    i know the ammonia should be 0 i am working on it but it wont fall. of course it is cycled. i think that the light bulbs are 25watt philips, i just dont see the problem, it is a very hardy plant, and i give it a ton of light.
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    Java Moss

    i got a good size of java moss from my lfs about a month ago and it has only grown 1cm, i have lighting about 12 hours a day and the amonia level is .5 to 1, ph is about 7.6, and it is in a 10 gallon tank. the temperature in the tank is about 78*F. The Java Moss is in with 1 platty and 8 Fancy...
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    How Long Till She Pops !

    looks like guppy fry.
  16. F

    Fry Tank

    i grab the filter and swish it in my fry tank, then i put it back and all of the little ones eat all of the itsy bitsy underwater dust, i also have a 30 gal witha goldfish 3 mosquitofish soon to be eaten by my sunfish and a catfish, soon to be moved. i guess i could put them in there but doesnt...
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    Fry Tank

    i ahve about 40(countamated) in a 10 gal. is this ok? my first month old batch is about 1 cm and has almost all of the black on it as it will get (leopard guppy, golden snakeskin mix) are thay growing slow or is it just me? i have a heater and feed them about 4 times a day on weakends and 3...
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    Tank With Java Moss

    ghost shrimp can and might eat fry (i read that somewhere) i would go for snails of and kind
  19. F

    Dropsy, Now What?

    my female leapard guppy has dropsy and is pregnant, i dont have any peas, and i cant get any time soon cuz my mom isnt going to the store any time soon. i have medication but i am not sure to use it or not cuz i got 4 prego females in her tank and im not sure if it will hurt the fry, like on...
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    Whats Her Problem?

    is she gonna die,she is just sitting and now she extremely rarely gets up, is is posible to save her? will she drop b4 she dies if i leave her alone(if she dies)?
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    Whats Her Problem?

    i have a had this prego female for about a month now and have got no babies, i have recently gotten 16 fry from one of my females(it was not her) and she is fairly fat but she spends almost the whole day on the gravel wigeling, she is in a 10 gal with 2 male guppies and 4 other females and one...
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    if id known that i would have got the one at my lfs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    What To Do?

    :band: (have never seen anyone use this emote) go thrift shoping! i have got about a bagilion tanks and an unending suply of tank junk.
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    Livebearers No Babies

    my strategy becides what the dudes up there said is cover box filter inlet thingy(place where water is sucked up) have barely no current, to feed your babies, stirr up their gravel and make all of that junk go flying up and they will eat it, or get some marsh plants from a nearby marsh put that...
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    Platie Help!.

    i have a question for you- Why do you spend so much time looking at your platys poo? seriously, you have posted like 4 times about your fished crap
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    Betta Fights

    i know i was just making sure that my male wont kill my female in a matter of minuites if i breed them. i do think that it is cruel to fight them, my brother wants to do a tournament if i have extra fry but if he puts even 2 males in one tank to fight i am gonna kill him.......
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    Betta Fights

    when bettas fight does one chase the other aroung like sunfish do or do they face eachother and fight
  28. F

    Help Me Choose An Unusual Livebearer

    pike livebearers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have always wanted one since i found out about them and i have always wanted a grass pickerel!!! pike ate awesome
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    Sharing Divided Tank

    use 2 2.5 galon tanks :D
  30. F

    Preg Platy Emergency

    never heard of a prego problem and then she can swim off. that does sound like a prego problem i say let nature take its course if she is having birth problems. try feeding her a shelled bouled pea she wight just be constipated and if she is constipated u gota fix it cause it is your fault(no...
  31. F

    Help! My Fish Need Names!.

    2 female reds could be porky and mrs.Pigy the sunset could be birdie (yes these names are random :D )
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    Terrible Service, A Bit Of A Rant

    i would have pimp slaped the dude and fed him to the fishies :shifty:
  33. F

    Saw This When I Went Snorkelling!

    the way you describe it and the pic sounds like a yellow bullhead with a longer tail and in saltwater
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    Can You See Your Fish From Your Computer?

    i can see my 40 gal tall from here but unly 1\2 of it:(
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    Cross Breeding

    breed the wild and fancy ones, you are fixing what all of the breeders have done. but yes your tank may be pushing it a lil bit if you want atleast some fry
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    get java moss it will help protect fry. i bet she is prego
  37. F

    What Plants Are Best For Platies?.

    what size tank? how many males?females? do you plan to keep as many fry as you can?
  38. F

    Is It Posible

    i have a guppy that is like 1\2 inch long and it was prego so i waited for her to drop. i went in my room at about 9:00pm and I found one fry and that was it. my tank has sand(so i can spot fry beter) and 2 plants, it is a 10 gal. earlier i looked at her gravid spot and i saw one eye like the...
  39. F

    What To Do If Platies Have Fry?.

    if you want more fry take the fry out(the parents will eat them) and grow them in atleast a 10 gal until you find something beter
  40. F

    Mollie Fry

    i stir up the gravel in my fry tank and a bunch of little tiny specks come floating out and my fry go crazy for it. i am not sure if this is a smart thing to do but my fry are about 1\20 of their future size and they almost have half color