Preg Platy Emergency


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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I started off with 2male and 4 female platies and now find myself with fry of all sizes! My oldest female has been getting bigger and bigger for the past 2 weeks. Came home a few days ago to find her lying on her side on the bottom of the tank, eventually another platy came along and she swam off. Since then I keep finding her lying on the bottom or against plants, etc. saw her give birth to a couple of fry last night but she is still lying around and seems to be breathing rapidly.
Is she going through a prolonged labour or is she dying.
Please help!!

6 zebra danios
7 harlequin rasboras
1 plec
many platies!! :(
never heard of a prego problem and then she can swim off. that does sound like a prego problem
i say let nature take its course if she is having birth problems. try feeding her a shelled bouled pea she wight just be constipated and if she is constipated u gota fix it cause it is your fault(no offense)
What are your water stats? Is she showing any other symptoms besides being slow?

Some fish just slow down while, and before giving birth. Keep a close eye on her though.
What are your water stats? Is she showing any other symptoms besides being slow?

Some fish just slow down while, and before giving birth. Keep a close eye on her though.

Water stats are fine; due a water change soon but was going to wait till I was sure she had finished giving birth.
No other symtoms; she just lies on her side or against something until another fish swims by and then she moves on and lays down again.
No new fry that I have noticed today, just 2/3 from yesterday.
She's probably just stressed from all the pregnancy deal and having to avoid the male platys, buying some plants for the tank and making some densely planted areas for her to hide in will help lower her stress levels. What stats did you test for?
Contact your lfs(local fish store) and see if they take fry off customers or not, don't ask for any money, just give away for free, its worth a try if you are getting over run with fry :thumbs: .
Water changes can actually help the birthing I'd go ahead with it. :)

Can she swim fine when she does swim? Because it might be swimbladder. Or is she flicking at all? Maybe someone else will come along with more ideas. For now, just keep a close eye on her. And try Liveisme's idea about the pea. It can't hurt.
Nitrates, ammonia pH ok. Have plenty of plants (lots of places to hide). Have been trying to get a picture of her put she is not cooperating. Have fed peas, others love them but she's not too interested! will keep a close eye on her.
Okay. The water change sounds good. Perhaps Wilder will come along and be able to help more. :)
It sounds more like a bacterial infection to me, how old is she, as giving birth all the time takes it toll on them, that's why it's very important to keep them on a very good balanced diet as having fry all the time takes alot out of them, they can heavy breath with bacterial infections, i find when livebearers lay on the floor of the substrate not good news i'm afraid, can you issolate her, i never seen my livebearers resting on the floor while being pregnant.
It sounds more like a bacterial infection to me, how old is she, as giving birth all the time takes it toll on them, that's why it's very important to keep them on a very good balanced diet as having fry all the time takes alot out of them, they can heavy breath with bacterial infections, i find when livebearers lay on the floor of the substrate not good news i'm afraid, can you issolate her, i never seen my livebearers resting on the floor while being pregnant.

Just completed water change. Dont have isolation tank and all others fine. should I add some anti-bac (have some melafix). Have a small breeder net but don't think I'd be able to catch her (hiding here there and everywhere).

Sorry Wilder, forgot to mention; she is quite old (I think) about 10 months or so and has had fry 4 times.
It's not always advisable to add meds when they are pregnant, it's up to you, but the bacteria infection sounds advanced to me, but if you won't to try to save her then i understand, the babies could be resting on the swim bladder, just an idea but i don't think it that for some reason.
Hear are a couple of pics of her. sorry about the poor quality!!!


Woops, sorry about size of first pics
Sorry but can't tell from that pic at all, not good that's she laying on the gravel, are her fins clamped.

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