Java Moss


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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north carolina(USA)
i got a good size of java moss from my lfs about a month ago and it has only grown 1cm, i have lighting about 12 hours a day and the amonia level is .5 to 1, ph is about 7.6, and it is in a 10 gallon tank. the temperature in the tank is about 78*F. The Java Moss is in with 1 platty and 8 Fancy Guppies.
Ammonia should be 0 in a cycled tank. Is your tank cycled? Also, how much light do you have (how many watts?)... Do you know what brand/model light bulb you have?
i know the ammonia should be 0 i am working on it but it wont fall. of course it is cycled. i think that the light bulbs are 25watt philips, i just dont see the problem, it is a very hardy plant, and i give it a ton of light.
Its a tough plant, but it doesnt need "a ton of light". Java Moss prefers shaded areas with LOW light. It wont grow, and will simply die back if you subject it to too much light. :) Place it under some other plants, or cu back your lighting.
and java moss does not appreciate higher temperatures ..... it prefers cooler water to grow :) well in my experience... i lowered the tank temp and it started growing ok after browning up!

mr. miagi, not to be rude.... but in my tank now my java moss is exposed to direct lighting and its doing ok........
i didnt know it was possible for there to be too much light for java moss, so if i put some in my friends pond it would die back in the summer cuz the pund gets fairly hot and gets about 13 hours of sun? all of my other plants are growing rapidly so it dosnt make any sense, the lights are not flourecent
also java moss is a heavy water column feeder, if most of your plants are planted and you have a semi-rich to rich substrate then they will do fairly ok compared to the java moss..

this is only a theory, somebody correct me if im wrong

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