Fry Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 7, 2005
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north carolina(USA)
i ahve about 40(countamated) in a 10 gal.
is this ok?
my first month old batch is about 1 cm and has almost all of the black on it as it will get (leopard guppy, golden snakeskin mix) are thay growing slow or is it just me?
i have a heater and feed them about 4 times a day on weakends and 3 times on school days
I'd move some out, or get a bigger tank. Your fish might be growing slow because of cramped conditions. Do you have a bigger tank you could move them too? Are any of them big enough to go with other fish?
Hi there,
I'm by no means an expert.. but I have loads of guppy fry in my tank. I've had the tank for a few years. Isn't it too much to feed them 4 times a day?? I put flakes in my tank just once a day and they are all fine and healthy - breeding regularly. What's the right amount of food as I'd imagine there must be a lot of waste in the tank with so much food -isn't there ?
i grab the filter and swish it in my fry tank, then i put it back and all of the little ones eat all of the itsy bitsy underwater dust, i also have a 30 gal witha goldfish 3 mosquitofish soon to be eaten by my sunfish and a catfish, soon to be moved. i guess i could put them in there but doesnt that seam like kinda big?(assuming i emptyed it out)
Wait a minute, you clean your filter in the actual tank? How does that clean anything? :unsure:

You have mosquito fish and you let them be eaten? That hurts for all of us that are looking for them. :p And if I have this right, the goldfish will be eaten too, leaving the tank empty?

A 30g might be a bit big for now...but when they get bigger it won't seem so bad. I think it's better then the size they have now, as it will give them more room to grow. What are the water stats on the 10?
Don't put the fry with a goldfish, you shouldn't be mixing tropical and coldwater fish together, they need different temperatures and different diets. A goldfish could easily eat even a full grown guppy (well, depending on how big the goldfish it)

Edit: Its ok to put sub-tropical fish with goldfish, likes danios and WCMM, just to clear that up, as I have those mixed together and I felt stupid saying you can't mix tropicals with them when I have them with mine, LoL :p

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