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  1. sketchy

    Adding Ammonia

    Surely if you're going down the fishless route, then adding ammonia before you go will do no harm what so ever? The worst that could happen would be having to do a water change and start again from fresh a week down the line, best case you return to a half cycled tank?
  2. sketchy

    I Might Give Up

    I think it's time for you to get creative!!! Normally makes me feel better about it all! This can be in the form of new decorations, but make them yourself - check out the hardware and DIY section of the forum for ideas. I've just made some slate decorations in my new tank - great fun...
  3. sketchy

    Can We Please Have A Seperate Buy Swap Ect For America!

    Definately a more viable option. I would say to use town/city followed by country (I'm rubbish at geography, so this would help me a lot!!!) As previously mentioned mind - people dont! Probably the easiest way to impliment this would be to be a little harsh for a while with the moderation...
  4. sketchy

    My Suggestion

    It seems to be running on a couple of forums I use with very little (obvious) abuse (apart from BMX scotland - Seems to be the challenge to get high negative posts!) However, it is a feature I rarely pay attention to, as you can normally judge the quality of the post/information by the way it's...
  5. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    Definately! I was just wanting enough for my own personal tank, although up here in Scotland, I can find slate readily enough - and thats free! Woop! I could make millions for the price of a tube of sealant! lol Plenty of it where I go mountain biking - but I was too impatient to wait untill...
  6. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    OK - The semi-finished update! I was looking for something to replace this ugly plant pot (was just in there temporarily, but decided to yank it out within a day or two!): So off I trotted to the LFS down the road! (I forget its name, but it seems quite nice, friendly guy behind the desk -...
  7. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    Awesome! Just the news I was looking for as i aquired some earlier today anyway! Many thanks for that! Was going to use that to stick substrate to plant pots as I'd be needing a lot of it! Again, pics will follow (shortly! I've just finished my slate stacks!)
  8. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    Erm...I'm not sure what number that have all of them :P Cat no: 16365 the one stamped on it is: LE(I think)1725481 and 05012 Finally, a random number: 671560 Cheers!
  9. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    I could stop being tight and use aquarium sealant - but i get the other lot on trade so its much cheaper! I'll look into this more at work tomorrow and report back! But for now I shall use the small tube of sealent i bought from the LFS earlier today, si I can have something to report back...
  10. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    Aquarium sealant is also toxic when curing. Thats what that vinagary smell is :good: Thats the main reason you have to leave it 48 hours
  11. sketchy

    Aquarium Sealant

    Hi all! I've decided to make some slate caves, and various other shelters in my tank (Pics to come!!!), and have invested in a tube of 'aquarium' sealant. I have also sourced a tube of Loctite 595 clear silicone sealant. To me it looks, feels and smells exactly the same. Again is toxic...
  12. sketchy

    What Paint Can I Use For Ornaments Inside The Tank?

    From another topic I read t'other day: Failing that, whilst reading about, I found out that many folk use an aquarium safe silicon sealant. Cover your orniment or whatever in it, and roll it about in some [dry] substrate to get a well camoflaged and textured effect! Then leave for 48 hours...
  13. sketchy

    Stocking Options

    UPDATE: It appears that the bacteria didnt appreciate the drive home, and have all died! :rip: My challenge for later will be to try and find a local shop that is willing to donate a little to a rather impatient customer!
  14. sketchy

    Fish Common And Scientific Names

    Are many of them not listed in the 'fish species index'? I have had a look at a few recently, and most of the ones I looked at (all 5 or 6 of them!) had scientific names as well
  15. sketchy


    get some pics up! :good:
  16. sketchy

    Real Plants

    Have a ganders in the planted tank section - I'm sure there is a sticky in there about pruning!
  17. sketchy

    Pets & Home, Halifax, West Yorks

    The one here's pretty bad for advice, but the fish themselves dont seem too bad, despite some over-stocking. But I'd assume that they'd have sufficient filtration for that. Rarely dead fish in the bottom, and they all seem happy and healthy. (They're right next to asda so i often pop in and...
  18. sketchy

    Stocking Options

    Ah - no worries! I've done this before, and know how tedious cycling can be! It doesnt help when I stumble accross pure ammonia :shifty: , and have to pretty much empty the tank 'cause I've forgotten that it's not the 9.5% stuff you get from Boots! :no:
  19. sketchy

    Stocking Options

    Way ahead of you! Put some ammoia in there first thing - although I did get a little carried away with the bottle, and its now off the scale! They wont go hungry for a little while! :rolleyes:
  20. sketchy

    Heater Element Is Glowing...

    Awesome -cheers very much :good:
  21. sketchy

    Heater Element Is Glowing...

    Hi all Just setting up the new tank today, and have a little query RE: the heater The heating elements are glowing. This has never happened on my old 100W heater. This is a 200W, so I'm not entirely sure if it's simply doing this because it's a more powerful heater. I believe that it is...
  22. sketchy

    14ft Long Freshwater Stringrays Found In River

    Fairly un-related I know, but I spotted this link at the bottom of the initial page, and though it was rather interesting
  23. sketchy

    Setting Up Tank, Need A Good Test Kit, Any Suggestions ?

    Doesn't look like it from the picture
  24. sketchy

    Cleaning Gravel Cleaner

    Tie a pipe cleaner to a long bit of fishing line. Preferably quite a thick bit of line so that you can poke it through easily. But as people have said - it's not going to do any harm
  25. sketchy

    Setting Up Tank, Need A Good Test Kit, Any Suggestions ?

    Looks good, but I don't know that you'd use all of it! I just bought an API test kit from pets at home (Shame on me, I know - but they're cheap for stuff like that) for 20 quid. It has the important tests such as: Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate, along with pH and a high range pH. In my old...
  26. sketchy

    Stocking Options

    Cheers very much! Just to let you know, I just bought a 90L (thanks shelaghfishface!) today. Great news is that the filter should already be cycled! Just going to leave it running a day or two to make sure the bacteria in the filter didn't die in transit! :thumbs: With any luck, I can go...
  27. sketchy

    Hardiest And Frailest

    I had a gourami that I bought when I was 16, maybe 17. Put it in a tiny bowl with no heater, filter, pump etc, and to my knowlege it's still alive! (bearing mind I'm 21 now!) It just wont die! I donated it to my sister, and she wont let me have it back now I have the facilities to keep it...
  28. sketchy

    Stocking Options

    Thankyou for your response! I think I will go with Rasboras. Try something a little different with this tank! And I just read up in the fish species index on the german blue rams. Beutiful fish! Just what I'm looking for there! One question relating to them though - How many! The post...
  29. sketchy

    Should I Do A Water Change? Advice Needed Pls.

    I wouldn't have though it neseccary to do a water change if you're stats are fine. Just keep a close eye on the ammonia and nitrite for now, and if you see it start to increase, then do a change
  30. sketchy

    Stocking Options

    Apologies - you folk probably get sick of reading these topics! Should be getting new tank soon, probably around the 100L mark, give or take a few. Lost the old one a year ago when I split with the other half. I was left with the hospital tank, and a small internal filter and heater (I had...
  31. sketchy

    Air Pump

    My tetratec pump's fairly quiet. I also have a bubble wall (mainly while it be cycling!), and it makes more noise than the pump itself!
  32. sketchy

    Lighting In A Planted Tank

    Thankyou!!! Thats just the answer I was looking for! I will certainly consider the plant species mentioned there! One more queston relating to them is: The tank i have at the moment - my old hospital tank, is being used as (hopefully a temporary) tank. It at present has no lighting, and is...
  33. sketchy

    Cory Temperature

    Could you not simply get a new heater and transfer some of your existing filter media into the new tank. As the cori are only fry, surely they will need a significantly lower amount of biological filtration than adults? Correct me if I'm wrong here BTW!
  34. sketchy

    Platys With Hollow Bellies

    I don't know from experience, but last time I was looking for something in that dept, there was something there. As I said, I dont know how effective this stuff is, as I didnt look at the ingredients or the like. It may well be a rubbish alternative, but worth a try surely?
  35. sketchy

    Platys With Hollow Bellies

    I'm not sure how effective the stuff is, but I'm sure that I have seen meds reccomended for internal parasites in pets at home. Although not the best place to buy fish, IME they do stock a reasonable range of meds. Hope this helps
  36. sketchy

    Cory Temperature

    Bearing in mind that young fry will likely be less resilliant to sudden temperature changes (by doing your water changes) than more mature individuals
  37. sketchy

    Tank Cycling

    Hi all! I am currently trying to cycle my old hospital tank, in the hope that when I invest in a new tank come the end of the month I can transfer my filter media over. My quesion is this: When cycling my tank, do I have to use water additives that you would usually use when doing a water...
  38. sketchy

    Lighting In A Planted Tank

    Hi all! It's been a while since I have kept tropical fish, but I am wanting to get back into things. One thing that always puzzled me in the past, is why I had a lot of trouble keeping plants alive, despite spending a fair whack on various furtiliser products. The previous tank was a mere...
  39. sketchy


    it may be strange - but i like that bit when it all kinda goes slow-mo. granted the thaught of hitting the previously mentioned hard objects isnt fun, so just dont think about them! makes the whole experience a whole lot more enjoyable! :good:
  40. sketchy

    Sulking Fish

    you would have thaught that shortly after installing a new canister filter from a shady blocked internal that all my fish would be quite happy...but no! theyre sulking because i disturbed them a fair bit while installing the damn thing! i think part of it may be because they used to hide under...