Stocking Options


Fish Fanatic
Dec 13, 2006
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aberdeen, scotland
Apologies - you folk probably get sick of reading these topics!

Should be getting new tank soon, probably around the 100L mark, give or take a few. Lost the old one a year ago when I split with the other half. I was left with the hospital tank, and a small internal filter and heater (I had just forked out on a new external! :crazy: )

At first this was going to be enough, but no - it's not going to be as nice as my old tank! So here I am, upgrading already!

I have my old hospital tank and filter going through a fishless cycle at the moment, so that when I do get the tank, I can transfer some media straight over!

I've been looking at the 10gal stocking thread, and figured that it would probably be better to get more shoaling fish, rather than cram in as many species as I can!

I'm not entirely sure how many I'll be putting in there just yet - I want the tank to look lively, but not crowded!

I cant decide between rasboras and tetras. Is there going to be any compatability issues with one over the other, and which will school best (and I guess less likely to die on me!)? I would like quite a tight school - Unlike the tetras I had in the last tank who just seemed to do their own thing! (I think the platties schooled better!) I was probably thinking of having about 10 of something to get a good school.

I would also like some cories. Had peppered in the last set-up. Lovely fish! Although i wouldnt mind something a little bigget perhaps, but I know very little about other bottom dwellers - any suggestions here would be much appreciated

Probably some platties in there to add a bit of colour and character! Ooh the antics they used to get up to!

And finally I would like a center piece fish. Maybe a pair of gouramis? I'm looking for opinions here. I really cant think of much here!!!

Thanks again, any help will be much appreciated!

EDIT: I have just tested the pH of the water - about 7.6 if that makes any difference
Rasboras tend to be tighter schoolers than Tetras, Rasboras are also faster swimmers. IMO a group of Rasboras would look better. If you choose Tetras, go with Cardinals over Neons, they're much more hardier. Rasboras or Tetras will give you plenty of colour. For bottom dwellers you could get a group of 4 or 5 Otos, they're very fun to watch and they'll keep your algae under control but they tend to be a bit sensitive to water conditions and introduction to a new tank. If you want Corys you could with the Bronze Corys, I've noticed they tend to get bigger than Peppereds. Also know that Female Corys get much more bigger and fatter than the males so if you want big Corys try picking out the females from your LFS. For center piece, dpending on your size tank, you could go with Dwarf Cichlids which are very beautiful fish, my two favourites are German Blue Rams (aren't as sensitive as ppl say) and the Apistogramma Cacatuoides (one of the hardiest DWarf Cichlids). What size tank are you getting for sure? Make sure you have good filtration.
Thankyou for your response!

I think I will go with Rasboras. Try something a little different with this tank!

And I just read up in the fish species index on the german blue rams. Beutiful fish! Just what I'm looking for there!
One question relating to them though - How many! The post didnt specify if they like to be alone, in pars, trios!

Thanks again!
Thankyou for your response!

I think I will go with Rasboras. Try something a little different with this tank!

And I just read up in the fish species index on the german blue rams. Beutiful fish! Just what I'm looking for there!
One question relating to them though - How many! The post didnt specify if they like to be alone, in pars, trios!

Thanks again!

Your welcome. German Blue Rams can be kept alone but to see the best of them you may want to get him or her a partrner of the opposite sex. I'd say the absolute minimum is 2 GErman Blue Rams per 40 liters.
Cheers very much! Just to let you know, I just bought a 90L (thanks shelaghfishface!) today. Great news is that the filter should already be cycled! Just going to leave it running a day or two to make sure the bacteria in the filter didn't die in transit! :thumbs:

With any luck, I can go get some inhabitants friday as a post-exam treat! :-
hia sam, i hope you have a wonderful time stocking it,and it brings you lots of exam de-stressing :):)

shelagh xxxx
ps, good luck with the exams too! :)
Cheers very much! Just to let you know, I just bought a 90L (thanks shelaghfishface!) today. Great news is that the filter should already be cycled! Just going to leave it running a day or two to make sure the bacteria in the filter didn't die in transit! :thumbs:

With any luck, I can go get some inhabitants friday as a post-exam treat! :-

youll have to give the bactiera some sort of food source as without it the bactieria will die if you just leave it for 2-3 days...
youll have to give the bactiera some sort of food source as without it the bactieria will die if you just leave it for 2-3 days...

Way ahead of you! Put some ammoia in there first thing - although I did get a little carried away with the bottle, and its now off the scale! They wont go hungry for a little while! :rolleyes:
youll have to give the bactiera some sort of food source as without it the bactieria will die if you just leave it for 2-3 days...

Way ahead of you! Put some ammoia in there first thing - although I did get a little carried away with the bottle, and its now off the scale! They wont go hungry for a little while! :rolleyes:

Ok sorry for preassuming mate was in a rush as was about to jump in the bath and last thing I want you to do is have to recycle (most boring task on earth :shout: )

Many Thanks
Ace of Spades
Ah - no worries! I've done this before, and know how tedious cycling can be! It doesnt help when I stumble accross pure ammonia :shifty: , and have to pretty much empty the tank 'cause I've forgotten that it's not the 9.5% stuff you get from Boots! :no:
UPDATE: It appears that the bacteria didnt appreciate the drive home, and have all died! :rip:

My challenge for later will be to try and find a local shop that is willing to donate a little to a rather impatient customer!

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