Cory Temperature


New Member
Apr 20, 2008
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What is the lowest temperature corys can be kept at please?
I have just set up a tank for the cory fry but have no heater, i plan on doing daily water changes until its cycled.

You need a stable temp with fish as they can become ill if the tank temp keeps going up and down.
Plus corys are very sensitive to water quality, so they are not a good fish to cycle a tank with.
Care: Peppered cories do well in large groups because they are a schooling fish and can live up to several years. A group of five or six is good. A good water temperature can range from 70 to 78 degrees fahrenheit. They are strictly freshwater, adding salt water to a tank of cories will stress the fish. This type of fish is also known as an armored catfish and is compatible with many other species of freshwater tropical fish. One thing to keep in mind is that every Corydoras catfish occasionally needs oxygen at the surface. They swim to the top and swallow a buble of air to absorb oxygen internaly.

Bearing in mind that young fry will likely be less resilliant to sudden temperature changes (by doing your water changes) than more mature individuals
Think i will wait til i get a heater then, and also cycle the tank before hand, for now they will have to stay in with the adults.

Thanks for your help.
I would leave them in the main tank aswell till you get the heater and tank cycled.
Think i will wait til i get a heater then, and also cycle the tank before hand, for now they will have to stay in with the adults.

Thanks for your help.

Could you not simply get a new heater and transfer some of your existing filter media into the new tank. As the cori are only fry, surely they will need a significantly lower amount of biological filtration than adults? Correct me if I'm wrong here BTW!
Yes you can do that borrow filter media I've done it.
But I wouldn't till the tank has a heater.
I think the first thing we need to know is what the species of Corydoras you have. Fish like sterbai like it warmer than others. It depends if they come from mountain streams or lowland streams.

If the they are the mountain stream kind then they can easily handle 70F temperatures which is the normal temperature for a home so no heater is required (unless the temp. in your house fluctuates a lot, then buy a new furnace).

As for temp. fluctuations due to water changes that's a no brainer. If there is no heater then keep a large pail of pretreated water on the side. It will be the same temp. as the tank.

The frequency of water changes depends on size of tank, number of fry and current filtration. A hundred fry in a 10 gallon with no filtration I'd do at least twice daily 25% water changes. The fry themselves don't generate much waste the first few days while they absorb their yolk sac but when you start to feed em watch out. I'd also test the water for ammonia daily.

Of course your mileage may vary.

Good luck.

Aren't they just darling? :)

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