I Might Give Up


Fish Herder
Feb 11, 2008
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hi guys feelin a bit depressed at the moment with my tank the plants keep floating away ive planted bulbs in the wrong place and now there like triffids and my fish are boring lol just dont no what to do and my fave fish marina the betta died what do you ppl do when your feelin a bit down with the hobby?
scot :good:
cant really take a break well i could but id have to rehome my fish and id feel a bit bad doin that dont get me wrong im cleaning my tank and feedin my fish the same as normall its just i despare looking at the tank first thing in the mornin after the ravages of the night before
why don't you try platic plants for now with some bogwood in there. will still look good and let things settle before puttingsomething more interesting in,

if you put a list of your fish and tank size up we can all have a thknk for you.Its a good hobby don't lose faith :good:
with regards to the plants floating away, i had the same problem with some cabonda i had, I went against what most people do apparently and bought some more bunches and kept the lead weights on them and just buried the weights in the sand and they are thriving better than ever !!

keep your chin up and don't give up, you'll regret it in the long run !!


we all go through this from time to time, get really sick of the tanks and what's going on in them. what you need is something to get you motivated and inspired again.

why not try a visit to a local public aquarium or just have a good old browse through the pictures section of this forum, find something you like then start changing your tank around to reflect that. may mean re-homing some fish or whatever but you feel all inspired again.

good tip for stopping plants floating away, deep substrate! how deep is yours?
I think it's time for you to get creative!!! Normally makes me feel better about it all! This can be in the form of new decorations, but make them yourself - check out the hardware and DIY section of the forum for ideas. I've just made some slate decorations in my new tank - great fun (probably more to do with the breaking up of the slate with a big 'ol hammer!)

You mentioned your plants keep floating away. Maybe try changing your substrate to something finer for them to root in. Sand perhaps, or just a fine gravel - which would be easier.

Failing that, new bits as well. When I upgraded my old tank from internal to external filter (had to do some royal bodging to get it in there!), it was like having a new tank all over again. I was surprised how much difference it makes asthetically, just by removing a small filter!

I hope this helps!
all i have at the moment is zebra danios and pearl gourami my tank is a 20g and the substrate is gravel and silver sand
ive got some bog wood and got my plants from greenline but this might sound stupid lol but all my fish do is swim (i know there fish) i used to keep cichlids as a kid and they where loads of fun id swap over to them but i took on the danios and gourami for life when i bought them and dont have the heart to give them away or take them back to the lfs as i cant gaurantee what kind of lives they will have (im a big girl really)
thanx for your advice more ideas welcome
scot :good:

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