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    Ok To Use Cold Water With Water Change?

    :good: thats what i do doresy!!! hehe
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    Help Sudden Spike In Ammonia And Nitrite

    hi dutchie did you go thorugh a process similar to this??????? if you DID then it seems as though adding another clown loach has created a mini spike - and H2o changes will hopefully dilute the level until it is back to 0...........if you DID...
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    Cleaning Filter

    hi personally dont know about your type of filter - to which you'll prob think why i am answering !!!! - but really i would only clean the (sponges, wool or watever is in there) only when the filter literally does not work!! as regular cleaning when newly established - can easily result in...
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    Cloudy Tank

    hiya IMO the "liquids" added to the tank in what is led to beleive that it "cycles" our tanks - i dont this is true as the beneficial bacteria needed has to have a NH3 source and oxygen and being in a bottle added thats been on a shelf - can hardly be alive me thinks you are going to have to...
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    Cloudy Tank

    hiya what water treatments??? nothing else apart from de-chlorinator really agree with the wolf could be bacterial bloom this may help narrow it down perhaps?? rob
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    Fish Are Dying

    my 2 penny........... i would not add anymore fish to that tank period even when whitespot has gone - as they grow will lead to more overstocking and this is 1 of the main reasons tanks fowl!! yes to taking out carbon in tank and yes to turning up heater to clown loaches i do not...
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    Dying Fish!

    how long did you cycle the tank for and have you had NH4 and NO2 spikes??? some mollies prefer brackish conditions - so other than this it may not be the ideal conditions IF your tank has not cycled then agree with miss wiggle above me.
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    New Tank

    you have cycled your tank have you?? and what is the size of it?? like djloach says - only when have algae!! hehe - unless of course u like idea of them anyway and thinking along the lines of a plec - THESE ARE HUGE POOP PRODUCERS and can easily upset the water and SAE's can get aggressive i...
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    Just Done My First Test (week And A Half Into)

    hiya you have been cycling a week have you?? any chance you can wait until NO2 is 0??? - be better for the fish really how big is your tank? rob
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    Help Sudden Spike In Ammonia And Nitrite

    hi on newly set up aquariums the micro-organisms needed are in delicate quantity - and therefore and what could be classed as OTT cleaning can destroy and remove this which when being cycled can cause a mini spike to occur no feeding no more cleaning sides filters etc just water changes rob
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    Lastest Tank Readings

    me thinks ure about done there !!! after ammonia spike >> nitrIte spike >> then nitrAte >>> CYCLED >> with NO3 being only 10 - dont do a big water change congrats!!
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    My Fishing Are Dying...

    hi did you cycle the tank first? sounds as tho it is new tank syndrome - too many fish too fast - if you have enough water room for the fish thats fine but adding too many quickly - can cause water to go off - as the bacteria is not present to synthesize the ammonia producing poo and un-eaten...
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    hiya i have only been fish keeping for a year - and when i started i had the same problem...........i used to feed my fish crumbled flake - and of course bits of uneaten food are able to sttle where we cannot see and they thirve on this..........i think also that they could be introduced when...
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    Cloudy Water

    hiya what sort of substrate do you have - sand can be a nuisance when doing a water change - also if adding water tooo quickly - can stir up things in your tank even if you have a small pebble typ substrate and can cause it to go cloudy - should settle with the filter going or add a polyester...
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    My New Filter Isnt Working Help!

    oh well - that's were my 2 penny worth stops ---- dont know about that filter (sorry) this is prob gonna sound stooopid - but all the pieces of the filter are back together properly?? other than that - a wayyyymore experienced person needs to help - the answer is infront of your face - or it...
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    Api Master Freshwater Test Kits

    i did but my first ever API test kit from a store that i drove to - as online (at that time) were dearer than the one in the shop!! but now they seem to be that little cheaper - getting them online but the shipping causes the price to soar - (pain aint it????) wonder if they would decrease...
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    Api Master Freshwater Test Kits

    sounds as though you do not want to "do business" with the U.K or U.S?? in your part of the world - there must be a test kit that allows you to test for pH, NH4 and NO2 but to me - dont matter which country you do business with as long as the thing you are after does what you want it to do...
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    Fin Rot - White Skirted Tetras?

    R.I.P tetra!! hope it is not a disease in the tank - maybe was due to bad water quality or a problem with those fish?? have you got recent water stats??
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    My New Filter Isnt Working Help!

    what is the make of the filter?? i would be a bit cautious of gettig a filter off some body else - only thing - you really dont know what rubbish it has had to endure!!!!! in many filters the parts inside are lubricated with the tank water and not having the filter at the correct level can...
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    Murrrrder ?!

    you can cycle the tank with fish (but this seems not the preferred way of cycling) as it involves fish and they are then exposed to NH4 and NO2 whilst the tank cycles - therefore possiby harming the fish research i have read about cycling with fish says that although fish may survive the cycle...
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    Fin Rot On Angel..

    hth =hope that helps!! you wll have to be careful of using medications as some can cause the bacteria to be "knocked" off and that could a spike and result in poor water quality ideal situation - clean water - see if that depletes the opaqueness - if not then a anti-bacterial is needed both...
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    Murrrrder ?!

    i did wonder about the comment ....... "cycled the tank 4 times over 6 days" does a fishless cycle take this quick amount of time ????????????? cut down on the feeding as you are over stocked too!!!! did the lfs sell you all your current stocking of fish at once to go all in the tank...
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    New Tank Smells After 5 Days

    is it a "rotten egg" smell - pungent, thich - choaky smell or a "earthy" smell like wet soil or a peat - type scent???? if there is a pungent kinda smell - then this could be a sign that water quality is not as clean as it should be - water change is needed and cut down on the feeding have...
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    New Fish

    very difficult to quarantine!!! as the quarantine process is usually to mimic the conditons of the main tank but to keep the "new" fish under observation in case they have a disease that has not shown itself for a beginner (like wot i am) a 5 gallon is superb - small setup, less medication...
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    High Amonia Out Of Hand.

    if you are having problems with NH3 and NO2 then it is a sign of new tank syndrome adding too many fish too quickly or feeding too much as the fish are then going to produce a higher amount of ammonia then this needs to be converted to NO2 and NO3 maybe cut off on the feeding and do gravel...
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    Concerned About 1 Of Our Swordtails

    as you are cycling a tank with swordtails - the fish may run into problems caused by the process of cycling as we expose them to things that they really are not supposed to deal with ie' NH4 and NO2 NO3 are fine is certain quantity (less than 40ppm) washing the filter as it has got "soiled"...
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    Guppy Shredded Tail :(

    R.I.P Captain Peacock hope all the rest are doing ok? seems as though it WAS something specifically to that fish - least you tried and you care!
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    Guppy Shredded Tail :(

    aww - poor little thing what his/her name ? i suppose there does come to a point where if whatever is wrong with a fish gets too advanced then it is a horrid thought that we try to make them linger on for our selfish reasons (even though it is probably out of affection for the fish) maybe...
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    Guppy Shredded Tail :(

    maybe a 50% w/c if you have not already done !! - or are you thinking the battle is over????? poor thing
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    Finrot Getting Worse Despite Meds

    @ ilovejack it was WILDER who informed me that melafix/pimafix/bettafix do not actually treat what is wrong with the fish..... it DOES say on the bottles it can repair fins and treats some bacteria l infections but is after all a natural product and some kind of bacterial finrot needs an...
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    Finrot Getting Worse Despite Meds

    have you got the water stats?? i used melafix/pimafix for almost 3 weeks on my angel for finrot - did NOTHING - until i stopped all medication, feeding and concentrated on acheiving as clean as water as possible - the fins healed in 6 days!!!! WILDER - gave me EXCELLENT advice - and this is...
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    Please Help -

    could be carbon dust from the new filter??? or a larvae??
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    Moving Tank

    i would try to replace as much of the old tank water back as possible if it has just had a water change as removing all of the gravel at once could "knock" the bacteria as well as if you are thinking of scraping the glass and wiping ornaments - sumtimes fishkeepers tend to do "too much" and...
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    Good Ph Level?

    the "perfect" pH - is that pH which is best suited to your fish! if you are keeping a community tank and all tankmates survive/thrive at pH 7.0 then - yup you need pH 7.0 some species tanks need different pH to induce spawning and give some breeders the option of trying to "mimic" natural...
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    Walmart Fish?

    fish can last the journey as long as the conditions are optimum as possible some stores catch fish - properly with as little handling as possible and input oxygen into the bag - padding and extra buffering material is used - ok - price goes up - but the fish survive and they are "good"...
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    Two Juvenile Angelfish

    if you can separate the 2 angels - or if they are separate in the tank then could try putting food near the smaller one first??? just an idea - or if the larger angel has it's territory in the tank as it's bigger thee-arrange the tank main components??
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    my preference was small gravel stones in a natural colour - from afar kinda looks like sand but is gravel and easier to clean!! but whatever you think - sand or 2-3mm gravel if catfish as it can blunten their barbels hth??
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    Fin Rot On Angel..

    agree with kathy there - i tried the king british finrot treatment - i did even try melafix and pimafix for nearly 3 weeks!!!!!!!!! - NOTHING all i decided to do is give the cleanest possible environment - and guess what - the darn thing cleared up !!! - call it coincidence - not sure - but it...
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    Fin Rot On Angel..

    hi maybe trying to keep angels is VERY clean water - as this really helps them re-growth the seams on the fin where they have split and can also reduce the opaquness do the fins have any fluff ????? maybe stop all meds u are using and the NO2 shoul really be 0 - maybe do a 25% w/c too...
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    Quarantine Tank

    hi i have a 5 gallon q-tank with a rena flitar 2 in there is great less medication needed/used - as it my only be setup for new additions or infected fish??? of course size of q-tank depends upon the size of poorly fish going to be put in there - but q-tanks are great especially if u catch...