My New Filter Isnt Working Help!


New Member
Mar 21, 2006
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New Zealand - limited on fish choices :(
hello, well i got got a second hand Cannister filter from a friend hes only had it for like a month and its was working perfectly fine at his house well .he got a new tank so he sold his filter and tank to me. ok so i setup everything but when i treied to start up the filter it dosent work all it does is make this crunching noise from the filter any help? please
I would put this in tropical chit chat you will get more replys, and say the name of the filter.
what is the make of the filter??

i would be a bit cautious of gettig a filter off some body else - only thing - you really dont know what rubbish it has had to endure!!!!!

in many filters the parts inside are lubricated with the tank water and not having the filter at the correct level can sound as though it "clunks" "scrapes" or it may be simply blocked inside

are you able to take the filter apart to inspect the components???
what is the make of the filter??

i would be a bit cautious of gettig a filter off some body else - only thing - you really dont know what rubbish it has had to endure!!!!!

in many filters the parts inside are lubricated with the tank water and not having the filter at the correct level can sound as though it "clunks" "scrapes" or it may be simply blocked inside

are you able to take the filter apart to inspect the components???
the filters basicly brand new lol. and i checked the filter media and it seems clean too . the maker is Aqua One 500 and i read the manuel and it seems to be at a correct lvl .
it stoped making the clunk noise but now the water only goes half way through the pipes and i am absolutly sure my filter is filled with water
oh well - that's were my 2 penny worth stops ---- dont know about that filter (sorry)

this is prob gonna sound stooopid - but all the pieces of the filter are back together properly??

other than that - a wayyyymore experienced person needs to help - the answer is infront of your face - or it cud have simply packed up!!!!
Please forgive me if you have done the following

1. Have you started the siphon from the suction side of the filter i.e established a solid flow into the filter body, if there is air in the inlet pipe the siphon will not work

2. If the siphon has been established, with the pump running, have you displaced the air in the pump chamber with water by rocking the pump from side to side to clear the air?

This works with my externals, but have had no experience with the Aqua one filters


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