Cloudy Water


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2006
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How do you get rid of cloudy water? I did 20% water change yesterday in my 90G and before the change my water was great and clear. Now my water is cloudy and my fish have been acting differently. Like not really swimming around and having stress lines. What is the problem?
Check the ammonia levels.. it could be a bacterial bloom. It should clear up on its own after a couple of days. If not then try that "Crystal Clear" stuff, it works pretty good. Just make sure the ammonia or nitrite levels don't get out of control.
Check the ammonia levels.. it could be a bacterial bloom. It should clear up on its own after a couple of days. If not then try that "Crystal Clear" stuff, it works pretty good. Just make sure the ammonia or nitrite levels don't get out of control.

Will water changes help the problem?
they should, however i'm not sure why your water got cloudier after a water change...

how long has your tank been cycled? or has it cycled?

what sort of substrate do you have - sand can be a nuisance when doing a water change - also if adding water tooo quickly - can stir up things in your tank even if you have a small pebble typ substrate and can cause it to go cloudy - should settle with the filter going or add a polyester foam insert (if you can) this will trap minute particles and elp the original filter media

or - like the others have said - could be a bacterial bloom

hope that helps??

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